Author: Annie

Thursday night dinners.

About twenty minutes away, in a little cul-de-sac, three families get together to eat dinner on Thursday nights. Rotating around from house to house, each Thursday provides a different meal. Because there are kiddos involved, dinner is at 6pm, but it never ends before 8pm. This is one of those traditions that just morphed into

Love is a choice?

Right? I mean, I’ve heard it before and heaven knows there are people that I have had to choose to love before. Or at least pretend like I was loving them when in reality my mind was screaming things at them that my mouth would never allow to exit. That being said. I’m choosing to

A reward.

Your patience with my completely lacking blogging has earned you this video. My proudest moment? No. But am I still willing to post this on my blog because my desire for hilarity is higher than my desire to look cool to anyone ever again? Yes. Did I die at the end of this video? Only

Home Safe.

And I will blog as soon as my mind quits screaming for a break. And some sleep. In my own bed. Let’s be honest, I’ll blog as soon as I get my pictures up. 🙂

Scotland Camp Video.

Here’s the highlight video from our camp. Thanks for your prayers. I’m so exhausted I could say some really ridiculous things that fit in one of three categories:1) Make me cry2) Make me sound crazy3) Make you realize then when I get really tired, I get really mean and sarcastic. And that’s never good. So

I really wanna.

I want to blog so bad right now it hurts. So much to say, and as many of y’all understand [blogmie shout out!], it feels real good to blog about something. And Scotland is something. Whew. But it’s really late at night here (almost 1am) and I have GOT to go to bed. I did


You can watch our service in Scotland live right now. It’s 8:35pm here. The worship team just finished and some other team members just did a skit. Tom Fraley is speaking. If you are getting here late, you can still watch the service on demand. But if anyone gives me a hard time about my

Good people.

They just are. Here’s our team, minus the last two who are coming tomorrow. (Booyah!) This is also minus our pastor, Tom. He sadly had to go back to the States this morning. His son was injured in an accident and he has a fractured skull and is in intensive care in the hospital in


We’re here! And y’all. ALL OF OUR LUGGAGE IS HERE. So that means that 21 checked bags and 21 tubs of supplies have arrived. Amazing, huh? It was really sweet of the Lord to handle that for us. It has been awesome so far. I don’t even know if I’ve told you, but we are