Author: Annie

It’s not a lot. But it’s my life.

Know that joke? “It’s my lot in life. It’s not a lot. But it’s my life.” I think it’s from a cartoon movie of some sort. Jokes always lose that special spark when they have to be explained. Too bad. I’m having a serious blog-guilt complex. Like the clown who draws everyone to the circus


I’m 28 today. As of this moment, I’m officially the oldest I’ve ever been. 28 feels weird. I’m not a huge fan of even numbers, they have never been my favorite. 26 was somewhat awful (the first half at least) and 27 was somewhat stellar. But 28. It’s gonna be different than all the rest.

Communion to Community.

Sorry for the sudden departure and complete lack of warning. Honestly, I thought I’d be able to toss up a few posts while at Summer Camp, but it never happened. Sorry bout that. It’s just a little practice for Scotland next week, cause who even knows how much I’ll be able to blog there. I

Deeper Still.

Y’all. Here’s the thing. I wasn’t planning on going to Deeper Still in Atlanta this weekend. In fact, Mom had asked us repeatedly to go, but for some crazy reason, none of the sisters wanted to go. Fast forward to the SheSpeaks Conference, where my friends Sophie and Melanie are talking Deeper Still up like

Be ye not concerned.

Yes, you have come to the right place. Things are kinda getting switched up around here at the ole blog, but don’t you worry about it. Just cause the restaurant gets a fancy new menu doesn’t mean the food is any different. And by “fancy”, I mean “a shorter name that doesn’t feel ridiculous to

Have your emotions in check.

I went to pick up a friend at the Atlanta Airport today. It always amazes me the mass amount of people that travel through this building in a day. As I arrived a few minutes early, pear-scented air freshener hanging from my rear view mirror, I decided just to go on inside instead of waiting

My heart has a Scottish accent.

I leave for Scotland in 12 days. I could not be more excited. Nervous. Ready. Unprepared. I pray and believe that something happened in the spiritual realm on this day. This was at a Christian music festival held in Scotland last month. Was I pumped to see Christian musicians filling Scotland with their songs? You


I am really excited to take part in the 40 Day Fast. Today is my day to fast, pray, and share with you about a ministry that is making a difference in the world. We want to see God’s Kingdom here on Earth. Let’s love, and live, like it. Also blogging today is P.D. Ross.


Summer is rather revealing. This morning I had a breakfast meeting to discuss some very important things [such as house remodels and costumes] and then another very important meeting at church [do we make the kids eat the whole can of beans or just hold them in their mouth?]. This entire time, my dear car