Author: Annie


Ahem. This blog post is not exactly what you are thinking. Because if you think I would sit and write paragraph after paragraph about bodily function issues…. okay, you’re right. If it was funny enough, I totally would. But this is a different kind of blockage. Saturday, after KEYED UP 08 [the incident’s official name

RagamuffinTop Challenge 5

Well. That was a better week. See for yourself. 1 pound. I’m so cool with that. Next week-Exercise 4 times before SundayDo Weight Watchers Core Program Monday-Sunday. [Small goals, people. Small goals.] Check on EVERYBODY ELSE! (We started at 70+, now down to the 30s? Tragic. Hang in there, commenters. Only YOU can prevent blog-drop-outs.

SheSpeaks Recap

Because at this point in my life I specialize in the recap and the mundane [see yesterday’s post]. And for your own personal knowledge, I always say “ReeeeCaaaappp” like rappers say “ReeeMiiiixxxx”. Cause I do have a love for rap music. Fo shizzle. Every writer’s conference is different and I think it is fair to

We just needed a taste.

After a long day at the office, I like to relax. With Jake and Melissa. Except for the office part. I don’t work at an office. And let’s just be honest, after a long day of relaxing, I like to relax. That’s just how I roll. So in order to wind the evening down right

Quick prayin’ people….

In case you don’t know, I’m at a Writer’s Conference in North Carolina- it has been great but DEFINITELY not without it’s complications and struggles. I keep reminding myself- OUR BATTLE IS NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD. In fact, sometime in the last hour, someone keyed my car fairly severely- the hotel does not have

SheSpeaks…. nervously?

So I’m about ten minutes from departure. (I’m writing this before I leave, but not posting it until noon. Oh the magic of the internet. It’s like I’m pulling a delayed rabbit out of a hat.) Sadly, there is an informal blogger luncheon at Chili’s in Charlotte at 11:30am… nope, that’s not going to happen.

Caught on tape.

Add this to your “Annie Does Dumb Things” file. Because I’m guessing you probably have one of those by now. So today, there was an open house party at my Dad’s office, located in this building. Where there just happens to be a few condos left for purchase, should you find yourself in need of

Please accept my apologies.

I have SO MUCH WRITING to do for the SheSpeaks Conference this weekend, that I literally do not have enough words in my mind to also write a high quality blog. So instead of putting up a post that wastes your time (I’m written two that were ridiculously horrible), I just apologize.

Thank you, Phil Wickham.

Gracious. I’m having a very exciting month. The whole Nathan Angelo thing.I signed my lease in Nashville today. Booyah.This guy comes to town next Wednesday. And tonight. This guy. Phil Wickham. Yeah, I’ve seen him a few times- like Nov 06, and March 07, and then Nov 07, which was somewhat of an embarrassing disaster.