Author: Annie

RagamuffinTop Challenge 3

Yeah, I know, last week was 1 and this week is 3. That’s what Carlos called it… I think I started a week late. So we’ll just catch up with him. Last week’s goal: Exercise 3 times. At least one with Ninja Vlad. I told y’all Vlad was a Ninja- check out his t-shirt! Listen,

Anybody got a teleporter?

If I could teleport anywhere tonight, I would go here. My heart has two addresses- here in Marietta and the UK. Oh, I’m praying. Break out around the world, Lord. That Your name would be honored by EVERY generation. Would the spiritual heritage of Europe rise up! Draw students to Yourself. Change the spiritual climate

How do you know it is Summer? Part 2

Subtitle: Why it is awesome to live at home. Because my dad wakes me up with the loudest knock on my door ever (are the British invading or something?) and he has made me breakfast! He says, “How does it feel to be a writer?” My answer? “Delicious.”

How do you know it is Summer?

Cause I switched to the Summer side of the bed! Whoo hoo!! No, it is not weird to switch sides. I’ve been doing it for years. See, during the school year, it’s important that I am near to the alarm clock and close to the door. But in the Summer? Oh buddy. I am foot

I’m moved.

Watch this video. It’s from the Passion World Tour. In Uganda. Where our boy Fred lives. You can read more about the World Tour HERE and on the Passion Blog. I get goosebumps at 0:46 every time. Because they mean what they are singing. It’s the overflow Of a forgiven soul And now we’ve seen

Uh… dear America?

Yeah, America? Are you busy? If not, I’d like to talk. Just a minute of your time. Seriously? You have a minute? Perfect. I was walking through Barnes and Noble today- you know, one of your chain bookstores that I want to hate because it’s killing Shops Around the Corner. Anyways, I noticed this sign

1/2 a day.

12 hours. That’s how long I’ve been asleep. I got home around 5pm from housesitting at an AMAZING house (they are lucky I left- I seriously considered staying and making the two sons share a room). My plan was to grab a few things, check my email [it’s called an “addiction”], and head back to

RagamuffinTop Challenge 1

Carlos at Ragamuffin Soul has issued a little challenge. Yes, sir. I accept your challenge. Bring it. Here’s how to play: 1. You must have a measurable goal.Minus 30 by 09. 2. You must place a photo or video on your blog each weekend and give us the scoop on how you did.Okay. Done and

Happy Friday.

Just FYI- when I get really reflective and only blog late at night, I’m either:1) stressed2) working on a writing project. The answer this week? Both. Starting today, I have one career. I’m a writer. That should take care of #1 for a while- having two jobs is a bit much. I’m a writer. Weird.