Author: Annie

A good day.

9am- 4th Grade Awards Day. Room full of parents. The ones that actually like me. 12pm- End of the Year Party. Nachos and pinatas. One to eat, one to beat. Homemade pinatas, none the less, that were quite resistant to busting. Which is good when you need to account for 24 different hits. The only

Work it out. Part Deux.

Apparently I’m having a week where my mind says it is totally acceptable to lay before the world all my inadequacies and issues. Congrats, world. Or I’m sorry. Whichever. Tonight at our Scotland meeting, my heart was drawn to pray for God to bring more campers. So I did. Like this- “Please, God. Bring more

27 going on 78….. and hungry.

Tonight at Chick-fil-A was good. Thanks to all the folks who came out. We’re really asking the Lord to provide our last little bit of moola so we can go on this trip and serve Him in Scotland. I don’t know exactly what happened, I just know that around 6:15pm, I hurt my back. Not


Hey you Marietta folk. The Scotland Mission Team is having a fundraiser tonight (TUESDAY!) at the Chick-fil-A on Dallas Hwy (in front of the Target). All you have to do is come grab dinner anytime between 5pm and close. Tell them you support the Scotland Mission Team and we get 10% of what you spend!!

Martha and I. We’d have been friends.

I was listening to sermon in my car this weekend (I spent a lot of time in the car- 1/2 way to Athens, 1/2 way home, 2 hours up to Lake Burton, then 2 hours over to Athens, then 2 hours home again.). And the preacher talked about this scripture passage- Luke 10: 38-42As Jesus

It’s a good world. Gone real bad.

Remember how I was on my way to Athens around 4pm? Well, 45 minutes later…. only TEN MILES LATER…. I realize these things: 1) I might be a little bit tardy. I hate that. 2) Oh yeah, here’s why…. everyone else is heading out of town today because a. most schools are out. b. it’s


Congratulations, Laura, on graduating tonight!! Congratulations, me, on getting to hang out in Athens tonight!! This one time, my Aunt Carol sent me a card that had a line of rodents zigzagging down the front. They had on sombreros and were holding maracas. It said “Conga-Rats”. And I have always found that to be the

A Thursday not soon forgotten.

I told my friend Lisa that before the school year ended, I wanted us to go have tea at Tea Leaves & Thyme, a tea shop that is down the street from school. We have scones and tea and ham stripe sandwiches. It’s pricey and gorgeous and tasty. Unbeknownst to me, Lisa emailed all my

I love that place.

In 200o. I went to Scotland. In 2007. I went back to Scotland. It was. Sigh. So good. In 2008. I get to go back again. We will be doing the same thing we did last year- taking a team from RiverStone Church to help lead a Summer Camp for high schoolers and middle schoolers.

Let’s pray, friends.

Steven Curtis Chapman’s five year old daughter was killed today in a tragic car accident. Read the story HERE. Quote from an article: “One of contemporary Christian music star Steven Curtis Chapman’s six children was killed this afternoon when she was struck by a car said to be driven by her teenage brother in the