Author: Annie

An experiment.

So I saw this video on David Crowder’s blog. I watched it and I videotaped myself watching it, cause I kinda wanted it to be like we were watching it together. Share a moment, if you will. Weird, huh? Or cool? Or dumb? Not sure. Hence the title of this blog post. If we really

Positive Post Tuesday- Mama.

This is an article I wrote to enter a Mother’s Day Contest. I lost. The theme was to write about how your mother reminded you of God’s love. So this was my losing attempt. No reward for me, but a mighty fine subject for a Positive Post Tuesday. It is not easy being my mother.

I’m not a pretty sweater.

I bet you don’t. I bet you are a pretty sweater. And that makes me jealous of you. I see ladies all the time in grocery stores or Wal-Mart or eating lunch with their kids who have obviously just come from the gym. The spandex outfits are perfectly matched and they carry themselves with an


Kinda like humorists? Get it? Play on words?…. Hello?…. Is this thing on? Okay…. One night this week, a few girls and I went out to eat. We had a blast. Seriously, Chili’s hasn’t held that much genuine laughter in a long time. At one point, Steph made a stellar joke. The timing was perfect,

It’s back.

I asked for a new Bible as a Christmas gift in 1995. Because Molly had one. I wanted to be like her. Still do. I got a Quest Study Bible and I love it. 13 years later, I still use that same one. Oh, and that Bible has been through it. I’m not what you

I tried to resist.

But how? Y’all. He’s just not right. My heart is so full tonight. We just met together as a Scotland mission team and let me tell you this. GOD IS MOVING. And we are honored and pumped to be a part of it. (More info for you on that soon.) So I’m busy journaling and

Positive Post Tuesday.

In which I thank a group of people who do not read my blog. At every turn, every chance I get, I thank my Nashville friends. I try not to be creepy, or thank them so profusely that they think I: A. have a crush on them or B. am obviously friendless and now they


I do have parents. See? Do with the following information what you will. The internet doesn’t lie, people. We are obviously related. As if the quality mustaches and award winning senses of humor didn’t give that away already. I think this whole thing is rather creepy. But let me know if you try it. Amen.

I love those bright lights and country music.

After a FAR less than successful house hunt day in Nashville, there was no better therapy than being surrounded by thousands of the highest quality rednecks, including my family, at the Grand Ole Opry. Did you know the Grand Ole Opry held this many people? Neither did I. Did you know this many people WANTED

Got plans at 10:30pm (EST)?

GO HERE. Thank you, Phil Wickham. Free live concert on your blog? Don’t mind if I do. And you do. Update 12:09AM- Just got to my computer in time for “True Love” and this is awesome. Well done, Phil and Brody, well done. Double update 12:11AM- He’s finishing. That’s sad for me. Hope you saw