Author: Annie

To be.

Y’all love you some blog videos. Gee whiz. It’s so weird. You know I’m just a dork with a camera, right? You could do it too. On to the real post….. I have been doing a little fast. Details aren’t important. If you want details- go with these. I haven’t eaten anything solid in 49

Treasure Hunt

Let me say a couple of things about this video:1) I am really like this. Funny and not funny. Wrapped up in one.2) I had no idea I had a lisp when I speak quietly. I’m going to be ridiculously aware of my whisper-lisp from now on.3) I say this a lot – “so…” ,


Bad migraine = no video editing attempt = no hilarious video blog on Thursday. I’ll get it done today after school. Or…. I won’t be smart enough to figure it out and I’ll cry technology-challenged tears all over my MacBook. Either way, something worth your click will be here later today. My apologies.

Thank you, Mother.

For my first gray hair. Let me tell you some background- one time, a few years ago, my mom passed out in the middle of the night and was lying on the bathroom floor like she was dead. It totally freaked ALL of us out. Yesterday, I was up in my room after school. I

2 songs.

(Missing update: So, unlike Jesus…. I’m forgetful. And I left yesterday afternoon without the key to my UHAUL storage unit. So I still haven’t checked for my treasure. I’ll let you know how it goes.) SONG #1- I went to dinner with my grad school friends and afterwards, I used the restroom. I was the


I don’t have a lot of treasured possessions. I just wasn’t built that way. It comes in really handy as a teacher, being that there is NOT A ONE THING that the students feel is off limits to touch and then drop on the floor and break into eleventy billion pieces. Sorry about that, book

I like bikes in Europe.

I’m feeling a little homesick for Europe tonight- thanks to a live Premier League soccer game on Fox Soccer, three British themed movies, and drinking tea. So instead of writing a blog that is mediocre at best [trust me, I tried], I played on Picnik. [By the way, when I say “homesick”, I mean “I

Technology, you had me at hello.

So Thursday after school I was tutoring a student in Algebra. We’ll call him Slater [cause it’s funny and I don’t use real kid names. It’s not internet-cool. I always try to be internet-cool]. His mom and siblings weren’t far away, but Dad was. He works overseas a lot. And Slater had actually just finished

The Shack: My personal opinion.

You know something is popular, and worthy of mockery, when it gets on Stuff Christians Like. Which may be the funniest and truest blog in all of fair blogdom. My opinion of The Shack? I liked it. I really did. Here’s what I didn’t love: the kidnapping. It was a deep fear in my heart

Listen up!!

You know I love me some Phil Wickham. But you have got to hear his brother Evan Wickham. Um. Yeah. That is one seriously talented gene pool. I think their DNA sings harmony. My gene pool? Well, mix a little Colonial Williamsburg with a stand up routine, and you’ve got it. No, I won’t be