Author: Annie

A couple more.

Thanks for all your sweet comments yesterday. You win. You always do. Here are a couple more questions I got via email. Then I promise, we’re leaving the Nashville News Update behind. Do you have any friends in Nashville?Not really, but you do. Gracious. Everybody BUT me has a ton of friends up there. It’s

Why Nashville?

(Your questions for me are in bold. My answers are in italics. You are quite the hard hitting journalist. Well done.) So, Annie, tell us. Of all the cities in the world, why Nashville? Because of the beautiful skyline?Uh, yeah, I mean, it’s pretty alright. But no, that’s not why I’m moving. Because of the

As good a time as any.

Last night at a concert (Dave Barnes- duh.), I talked with a new friend of mine that lives in Nashville. He said, “So, tell me why you are moving up?” I answered, “BECAUSE GOD TOLD ME TO.” And I realized I looked like a freak. Seriously. Because there is SO MUCH back story to that

Beach math

An afternoon at the beach +pale skin that hasn’t seen the sun in an embarrassing amount of months (years, people, years) + redness already appearing +that lightheaded feeling from too much sunshine on the face +sand in every crack and crevice that I will be removing until next Spring Break=The reason white girl is moving

Slick fatty yellow globs.

Let me get some business out of the way: 1) Waterhorse may be my new favorite movie. I have a soft spot for all things Scottish. 2) Dave Barnes is climbing the charts like a monkey up a vine. He outsold Britney Spears this week. Do you have the new CD yet? You can GET

“But you can’t buy a new party.”

Can we all just rest in the joy that is a new episode of The Office? I’m safely sitting here in the coolest house south of the gnat line- The Fritchies! (They are both bloggers- duh. My favorite kind of people. Check ’em out- Mark and Amy.) I seriously just got so fed up with

Important letters.

Dear Egret,I’m not sure, but I think there are easier places on the lake to catch a fish. For example, maybe somewhere that isn’t covered in pollen? I’m just making a suggestion here. (that is some intense pollen) Dear Dad,I’m not sure, but I think there are easier ways to feed a cat. For example,


I don’t know. Maybe you are from here. Maybe you, like me, woke up this morning with a swollen throat, leaving you the slightest bit concerned that the day has finally come when you are, in fact, allergic to Cadbury eggs. You don’t worry about that? Oh. Moving on….. Well, if you live in Georgia,

Blog it out on SB08

That’s what my friend James told me to do. Or better yet, asked if I do. My response is yes, I think I tend to blog it out every now and again. It a version of hugging it out, just using the world wide web. You know. [Go ahead and click on James’ link and

Reason #462

That I love to blog. And love to read other blogs. Look at this that happened to Brody. Shocking that our dear loving Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport would be so unkind. [yeah right] Then look at how Carlos saved the day. Or the night. Or the checkbook. Whatever. It’s a glorious little internet world