Author: Annie

My prayer.

Photo by Ann PurcellPhoto editing by PicnikLyrics from “Breathe on Me” by Todd Fields

Salvation belongs to our God.

I ate dinner last night with two of my dearest friends in Jackson County. I taught and coached with the wife, and just through the years developed a ridiculously great friendship with them both. When we became friends in 2003, they did not know the Lord. But then again, I’ve already told you the end

Almost forgot.

My friend Tara Leigh Cobble has an excerpt from her new book on Radiant’s website. It’s excellent. And the review that I wrote is also posted. Enjoy. Then, for real, buy the book.

Come on ride that train.

I’m hopping back on a lot of trains this week. I guess you could say I’m a type of hobo, but not the literal kind. [I wish I was.] March was ridiculously busy and a palm full of promises I made to myself apparently got packed away in boxes. Can someone locate that box called

Speaking of…..

the David Crowder Band, a local radio station (which shall remain nameless, but swims in the sea) was playing a great Crowder song this week. And when the song ended, the most annoying morning DJ in the world said, “…and that was the David CHOWDER Band.” And that station is now dead to me. Because

I will give Him thanks.

I like what Benjamin Franklin said-“…the longer I live the more convincing proof I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men.” I hear ya, Benji. Because I know God is all up in my affairs. I closed on my house today. I could not have sold that house. Jim Glover

Music Monday

My blog friend Kat does this Music Monday thing every…. well… Monday. And this time I could not resist the theme: Music that Moves You. She said talk about one or two songs. I don’t follow directions well. Because I knew exactly what I wanted to write about. This is my new iTunes playlist- a

While the team blesses breakfast….

I blog. Just for your personal knowledge, I am currently feeling sane. And I vaguely remember that I used to feel this way on a regular basis. So that’s good. Our Scotland mission team is up at Lake Burton for an overnight retreat. It has been beyond excellent. I’m at a total advantage because I

So tired.

I just am. So tonight, instead of trying to put together a group of words that are literally hilarious in my mind (though apparently not quite as blog-friendly as I thought), I offer someone who is genuinely funny and completely blog-friendly. Have I already shown y’all this? Even if I have, it deserves a re-view.