Author: Annie

A Sunday blog. Don’t stone me.

I know what you are going to say. Yes, it is Sunday. But yes, I am going to blog. I just want to, okay? Geez. I can break my own rules. Wow. Wow is the most descriptive word to say what my heart is feeling. Even though this conference is only half over, I am

Who hit the repeat button?

First of all, THANK YOU for praying for me. I can FEEL it. Keep it up, please. And know that I am praying God’s greatest for you- truly. I woke up this morning…. at 4:30am. Thank you, time zones. Truly. I appreciate it. Not. But as my brain slowly became unfuzzy, and things began to

Perfectly said.

I’m sitting here in the lodge, looking for a way to express what I’ve experienced so far at this retreat. And it’s not going so well. So I did what I always do when blog blocked (According to Chip, blogstipated. Eww.)- I read a bunch of other blogs hoping someone will say what I want

I should have brought breathmints.

That’s my #1 thought right now. Ok, #2 thought. My #1 is that coming to this conference was a fine idea. #2 is that my breath needs an emergency intervention. #3 is that y’all CAN NOT be encouraging me to make these videos. They are ridiculous and I kinda loved doing it. So you may

Airport mistake.

I don’t know why I do the things I do. Wait, isn’t that in the Bible? And I just realized that I’m not sure I know how much a pack of gum costs “these days”. So maybe I owe 1985 dude an apology. **Update- safely in California (10:04PM CA time, 1:05AM GA time). Sorry the

Dave Barnes is a giver.

So…. remember that time [those times] that I blogged about Dave Barnes? Remember how you decided he was awesome so you wanted to buy his new CD?Remember how Dave …… Uh… Dave? Yeah, can you quit staring at your swag so that I can tell all the kind bloggites about the giveaway? Focus please. Thanks.

Multi-step kinda day.

Before we get to the topic at hand, I have to say this- GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS! In one week,4 sweet friends of mine got engaged. (In groups of 2.)2 of my DEAREST friends got SAVED. The husband on Tuesday, the wife tonight. Praise the Lord for how He pursues families.One of my close childhood/youth

No sweeter name have I ever known.

You are the life to my heart and my soul.You are the light to the darkness around me.You are the hope to the hopeless and broken.You are the only truth and the way.Jesus. [I know this video is a wee bit cheesy, but it was the best version of the song.]

I heart you, Tuesday.

Because today, our boy Dave Barnes offers a new song that I really like. It’s a cool new sound for him, I think. Check it out and then pre-order his new CD. He loves the Lord, people. And he writes from that deep place. And he cracks me up. What’s not to support there? Do