Author: Annie


I remember the night this house became my home. It was a fall night, 2006. The high school girls in my youth group had started meeting at my home. We were reading a book together (Honest to God– I highly recommend it). I would put a worship CD on quietly and the girls would spread

Mortified, table for 1?

There have been two times this week that I really made a fool of myself. Sadly for you, I can’t remember one of them. But the other. Oh the other. My friends Ernie and Alex just got engaged last night. [It’s a wonderful story and my heart is so full for the two of them-

San Jose, be nice to me.

Travel Drama 08. You ready? So, I’m headed to California in a few weeks for the Mt. Hermon Writers Conference. And yes, I totally plan on blogging. [Though some attendees mentioned NOT bringing a laptop. I said, “Hi. I’m Annie. Apparently you haven’t met my oxygen tank, MacBook.”] Being that I am a teacher, and


“You want mint for pillow?” Ok, seriously. This isn’t a Tommy Boy quote off [unless you make it one in the comments, and I won’t be mad]. A few things to discuss: A) First of all, check the AWESOME NEWS on Steve and Randel’s blog. Good gracious, you people pray some stuff into being! Can

Favorite book.

My grandmother would consider this her favorite blog post ever. Can people in heaven read blogs? My favorite book of all time is Christy by Catherine Marshall. It is the true story of a young woman (Catherine Marshall’s mother!) in 1912 who hears that there is a need in the Appalachian Mountains- the children need

When the power goes out….

things go terribly awry. Here is a short list of knowledge I gained today, thanks to the SEVERE thunderstorm that bombarded the metro area around 6am. Which is, to my daily chagrin, when I am getting ready in the mornings. 1) It probably is important to have a working flashlight in your house. I’m just

He will rejoice over you.

That is one beautiful sunrise. (And sadly for you, my photography skills are truly underwhelming.)I led a teen breakout group at a retreat hosted by the singing group BELOVED this weekend. Though it was really fun and the Lord totally showed up, it was not without it’s challenges. Spiritually. Personally. Emotionally. Technologically (I can’t even


Let’s rally behind Steve and Randel and pray for their house to sell!! God has a plan for them in Atlanta- let’s ask Him to fight on their behalf. Greater is He, y’all. Greater is He.

Sometimes I wonder….

how to Lord finds new ways to reveal Himself to me every day. how He can embrace all of me. how I’ve gone this long without knowing the beauty of risk. how He uses words to speak deeply to my very soul. how long the same verses (ex: Prov. 13:12) will cause a lump to