Author: Annie

Photo Shoot Recap.

Oh boy, y’all. Today was fun. The right thing to write, the tear-jerker scenario, is how uncomfortable it was and how unworthy I felt to be the center of attention, how I teared up and shooed my friends away saying, “I can’t do this” in a dramatic fashion, blah blah blah. But let me tell

I feel safer already.

THIS is something I’ve had my fingers crossed for. Thank you, A&E, for being gracious and compassionate…. on all of us. I’m long distance hugging you, A&E, and you can’t stop me. Today is Take Photos For Website day. Better known as The Could Be Really Hilarious. I’m kinda hoping for something like this.(You’re wondering

I wear random well.

It’s one of my favorite colors. It matches my eyes. My friend Dee Dee tagged me on her blog yesterday and I have to now list 10 random things about me. I’m very grateful to be given a blog post topic today because #1- I had such a severe migraine tonight that I thought I

Changing my soundtrack.

Today, I was driving down the road and a new song came on the radio. Actually, “new” is a relative term, because I actually already own the song and have blogged about the artist before, Brandon Heath. But it was new to my heart, it spoke a new word to me. I was honestly thinking

I don’t blog on Sundays…..

Unless the rest of the people on the ski trip are playing Mafia. (and it’s after midnight, so OFFICIALLY it’s Monday, just FYI) Because I hate Mafia. It makes my blood boil and I feel like saying unloving things like, “I know she’s the mafia because she dresses really tacky and always has bad breath!”

Top 5.

#1-It’s official- we are all in love with Fred. I knew you would feel that way. About every other phone call I’ve gotten today has started like this, “Annie. Seriously, I love Fred.” And I say, “Seriously. I know.” He rules. As I was laying down to go to sleep last night, I thought this,

Need a little Compassion?

I just decided to sponsor my first Compassion child. Well done, bloggers in Uganda. You made me cry. And now I’m spending a mere $32 a month to sponsor 5 year old Fred. And I won’t regret it for a minute. He looks like the coolest dude. I mean, check that face out! I laughed

An impressive portfolio of hope.

I have one. I learned this [read: stole this] idea from a guy named Dave at Midtown Fellowship. I listened to his sermon today in the car and to be honest, I can’t stop thinking about it. To be fair, if you want to get the whole picture, you’ve got to listen to the first

It’s a little linky in here. Phew.

Because sometimes it’s just better to tell you about other people who are blogging really well. THE RABBIT ROOM This is one of my favorite blogs. A lot of writers/ singers/ songwriters/ artists/ awesome people contribute to this blog. I am rarely intimidated, [in fact- I err on the side of being TOO willing to

Please hold on.

If you’ve never met me, you probably don’t know this, but I have chubby fingers. It’s definitely never been something I intended to blog about, but honestly, most things aren’t. When I look down at my hands, they aren’t grossly fat, and in fact, right now, they look rather normal. But the moment I try