Author: Annie

I feel all sandy.

Remember how I decided that this year I was going to read the Bible? Like, the WHOLE Bible? No one is as surprised as me about this next statement: I’m actually doing it. Yes, some nights I have to read more than one day worth, sometimes 3 or 4 days in one sitting, but as

And the winner is…..

#8!! Nancy!! Congratulations. I will be getting the book to you soon. Trust me, I don’t want you to live much more life without reading this thing. To the other 46 of you- first of all, your comments were so great and I wanted to respond to all of them, but I thought that mildly

Perfect day for a GIVEAWAY!!

Y’all. It’s a big day.So, singer/songwriter Tara Leigh Cobble is one of my favs. I love her music, her voice, and her lyrics [you know I’m a sucker for good lyrics]. I started reading her blog a few months ago. And I loved it. Oh blogs, you are so wonderful. I ordered her first book,

Today is Saturday.

What do you blog about after you admit you have a quasi-crush on Peter Pan? Not sure. Oh, I forgot to tell you this…. Tuesday morning I woke up and I didn’t know what day it was. At all. I mean, I could look at my cell phone and see that it said [TUES], but

It’s not really a “crush” per say….

I mean, IF I was a lot younger ….. and IF he lived anywhere close …. and IF I were a cartoon character …. I would totally have a crush on Peter Pan. For starters, Peter is funny. Really funny. I would even go so far as to say witty. And he is quite caring.

Step #4

I’m selling my house. My sweet little house has truly been a refuge and a creative center for me. It has been peaceful even when life wasn’t. I love the paint colors and the decorations and my furniture, including the most expensive red couch in the entire hemisphere. [Ok, that’s an exaggeration … maybe …

What do you think?

One of the coolest kids in the youth group, Kelly, made this for me. Seriously, I gave her some instruction (the words, etc.), but she make the logo herself. I think it is RAD. No joke, how can a high schooler [correction: MIDDLE SCHOOLER– 8th grade!] be this talented? I told her, in all honesty,

Location: Unchanged.

So where did I spend the majority of my weekend? Here.And where was I until ungodly hours last night? Yeah, here.And I’m actually sitting here right now. I have SO MUCH writing to do that it has confined me to this chair. But I feel it my duty, dare I say my “call”, to give