Author: Annie

Step #3

In normal world (i.e- not teacher world), you give your employer two weeks notice before you leave. Am I correct? I mean, I remember the days of old, pre-degree, when I was a waitress. [At PoFolks, just for your information.] And I recall calculating when I wanted to quit and then knowing exactly what day

Because it still hurts.

Trying to type is painful. My hands don’t want to be this close together. It makes the muscles in my shoulders hurt. Let me back up and explain what brought this about- this torture in which I am a willing participant. But it can’t be too long- I keep having to take a break and

Any given Sunday.

All weekend long, sweet Mandy kept asking me if there was anything specific I wanted to see. She knew I was there to try to hear the Lord and to feel some direction from Him, but I was pretty sure there was no billboard that was going to answer my every question. I mean, I

Nashville through crapera’s viewfinder.

I have nicknamed my camera “crapera”. So that’s that. Here are some [read: lots of] pictures from the weekend in Nashville. I got to stay with my friends Kevin and Mandy and their cool kid Bennett. They were SO generous with their home, their time, and their gasoline. We had a blast. On Friday night,

Team Player.

I’m a team player. Soccer was my sport of choice. Not tennis. I played the french horn, a companion instrument if ever there was one. I like to carpool, I will “co-lead” just about anything you need “co-led”, I like any restaurant you pick, and I like singing in choirs. [And trust me, you LIKE

What to do with a snow day:

1) Sleep late. [see previous post] 2) Eat breakfast on a PLATE at the table. [versus on a paper towel in my car] 3) Wear fleece pants. [just not appropriate for school] 4) Watch multiple episodes of Project Runway. [again, not appropriate at school] 5) Lose myself in the hollows of the internet. [blog stalking

No alarm clock for me.

I love teaching in Cherokee County. Because it contains Ballground, GA. Which gets icy. And WE (South Cherokee) get out of school because of Ballground’s weather. The perfect place to insert a BOOYAH!

Marble cake is jokes.

(that title is for you, Marie and Kathleen.) Here’s another good school story for your enjoyment. And my amazement/embarrassment. I’ll tell you what- my kids are TURNING OUT the one liners these days. It’s like they’ve been influenced by a genius comedienne on a daily basis for approximately 20 weeks. Strange. This story involves 2

Pure inequity.

It’s just not fair. My younger sister Tatum and I both got haircuts this week. I’m going to let you see the pictures and you can decide who gave the hairdresser a high five and who gave her a one finger salute. Still not sure? Ok, that offends me a little bit, but maybe this

Check it out.

click on the photos or the links to see the blogs. Mercy Me’s blog. And because I show no favoritism, except towards Mac…. Third Day’s blog.