Author: Annie

A really good choice.

I don’t know if you know this, but Heather is what some might call an Atlanta aficionado; meaning that if something rad is going down in the ATL, H is there and dragging us with her. You also could call her my preferred social coordinator, but that seems somewhat demeaning. The fact of the matter

Step #2

Shannon was right. She always is. I registered for the Mt. Hermon Writer’s Conference. Booyah. Of course, I DO NOT KNOW A ONE PERSON attending, so…. that should be neat. More on that as it gets closer. For now, PLEASE pray that I have the words and the time to write all the things I

It does not lie.

My blog title, that is. Have I ever explained where it came from? I don’t think so. And tonight is a quite appropriate time to share. The dream? To be a writer. To be a creator. To glorify God in the words that I write so that somehow the reader feels braver and bolder than

I try to keep my word.

After Nov. 2007, I said I would attempt to post every day except Sunday; insert poor attempt at good blogging here. So “the trade” has been made. I know you were really concerned. Ahhh… much better. Now, I will say that it feels like a Fisher-Price toy. Nothing is automatic. Everything is manual, from the

I rock a mommy-mobile.

So, remember back in November when I got in a wreck? Today is the day that I finally got to put my car in the shop to get it repaired. This is what I drive- a 2003 Toyota Camry. And no, that’s not me behind the wheel. That’s my bodyguard. I don’t trust him with

To my blogmies.

One of my favorite blogs to read [of people I don’t know] is The Secret Life of Kat. And she had a really smart and kind idea today. So, if it is okay with her, I will steal that smart and kind idea. Now I know how you are, you don’t love required participation, so

This is a really good story.

I have a very good friend named Candace. I don’t blog about her a lot… she likes her anonymity. I’ve written about here here and there, but not by name. She’s kinda like an secret agent, except not. Exactly. I can’t give you the details- too risky. Anyways, we’ve been friends since the fall of

A little Bible speak.

I bought a new Bible today- one of those One Year Bibles. I feel like it’s cheesy. Like “real” Christians can read through the Bible in a year and split it up on their own. I don’t know why I think that. That’s a pretty dumb thought. But I got the tutorial version that puts

Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be.

I’m figuring you out, blog reader. You are the strong, silent type. How do I know? Well, in the last 2 days, I have had almost 170 visitors stop by my blog. And 14 votes on my yard sale/good will debate. That’s roughly 8% of you willing to vote. Like I said, strong, but silent.