Author: Annie

Sweet little Hawaii.

Yes, it’s 2:35am and I’m blogging. Listen, when the Georgia Bulldogs play like that, I have a hard time going to sleep right afterwards. Give a girl a break. That was a long game. And a glorious one. Though I will tell you, as my girl BooMama said, I felt so sorry for Hawaii all

Taking a break in 2K8.

For a couple of hours I have been feverishly cleaning my home. Not like scrubbing, mopping, dusting. No, I hate that stuff. I’m taking more along the lines of opening every drawer, cabinet, and closet and asking the following questions: 1) Did I even use this (or wear this) in 2007?Yes= continue to question #2No=

Goodbye 007.

A more reflective reflection on 07, huh? This would be going a lot better if I could think of something really smart to say about 07. But I’ve got nothing. Not because 07 was meaningless, but because I’m having a hard time not contriving words that I think you want to hear. I hate when

He’s a cute one.

So, as I mentioned yesterday, Danny Garmin got an immediate workout as he directed me successfully to my friends Jake and Melissa [at her parents’ house in Lawrenceville] ….. and their son SAM!! My mother is virtually in love with Sam, she begged to go to see him with me, so instead I took a

Santa knows me. So does my Mom.

I have a confession and I don’t think I’ve ever told you this. I get lost. A lot. It’s embarrassing. It’s tragic. It’s lame. Now I’m not saying that I get lost going to the same places, but every time I go somewhere new I get lost. There are some places that I can get

Merry Christmas.

“And the first time that You opened Your eyesdid You realize that You would be my Savior?And the first breath that left Your lipsdid You know that it would change this world forever?” – Celebrate the Day by Relient K

Things accomplished.

On today, my first day of vacation, I: 1) woke up. 2) read a book. the entire thing. start to finish. I think that’s enough for one day. Don’t want to strain myself the first day out. No blog tomorrow- remember, it’s Sunday. Just call me Chick-fil-Annie.

Paper Risk Scissors.

The other night I challenged my sister to a spur of the moment best-of-3 round of rock paper scissors. Both of our cars were in the shop and I said, “Ok, whoever loses pays for both cars.” I was getting a simple oil change- less than $30. I assumed she was doing the same. Nope.

Y’all. Seriously.

What a week we are having. As if THIS VIDEO wasn’t enough….[Which I forgot to tell you that my favorite part was the 12 days of Christmas. Glorious.] And THIS ARTICLE wasn’t enough…[Which I forgot to tell you that my favorite part was all of it because I wrote it.] THE LONGS WON THE $25,000