Author: Annie

Daily Grind.

That’s where I am. The coolest/only coffee shop in this area of town. A cord connects my computer and my ears, guaranteeing that I do not have to speak to anyone. For teacher Annie to have a couple of hours of daylight where I don’t have to speak to anyone or answer any questions is

Soup’s on!

One of my favorite blogs, BooMama, is having a little meeting of the blog minds over soup. And recipes. So I thought I’d put my favorite out here. My friends ate this about 14 times last winter- whenever a group came over, I was chopping ham. The Publix deli guy was convinced I had a

Did you need proof…

that prayer changes things? Check out Evan’s CaringBridge site. Psalm 126 “… Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. … Those

B2F2 Recap

I want to understand the word “recap”. To cap again? When did we cap the first time? While we’re on it, I want to know what it means to “jump the shark”. Because I don’t ever want to do it. I’m scared of the ocean. Blog 2 Face is an interesting idea. In fact, if


I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About things. About people. About God. And laughing. Laughing because something new is in the air. Something light has found it’s way to my heart and is settling in. The old has gone and the new has come. And I had nothing to do with it. Actually, funny enough,

I just do.

I hate it. I think I hate my new camera. Here’s why. For starters, on the setting dial, there is no running man. Know what I mean? That symbol that looks like a, well … a man running. It’s a great setting for capturing moving people with no blur. This new camera is trying to


I wish I had a video of Dave Barnes doing the “Chattanooga”. I think it is a version of the “Charleston” with a little “Old Folks Home” mixed in. And maybe a splash of Tourettes. As promised early in November, I finished the month the best way I knew how- Dave Barnes Matt Wertz Take

I’m no quitter…..

….except when it comes to everything else but blogging. And somehow, I still have stuff to write about. Probably because of this being in my fridge. I bet you are surprised that more of my blogs weren’t Asian themed. Well, we’ve survived it. You’ve been a real trooper, bloggite. You have read far more than

One day more.

I started to quote the rest of that lyric from “Les Miserables”, but it gets pretty violent, actually. Apparently I don’t mind singing them, but when I write it out, it’s a bit stronger. [that’s a whole blog in itself] And something tells me that the FBI would get some sort of red blinking light