Author: Annie

Paging Dr. Watkins.

I couldn’t resist. **Photo stolen without exactly getting permission from Ann Purcell.**

Fake blog.

This is a fake blog to let you know why you aren’t getting a real blog. Because I’m busy making a list of things to write about during the month of November. There is NO grace for writer’s block in NaBloPoMo. And I’m finishing a paper for grad school. And I’m watching last week’s Office


Can I just say that it is great to be a Georgia Bulldog? Careful, Uga. His right shoulder is injured.

Fine. Watch it yourself.

Here’s the video of Dad doing his thang. We didn’t have a real camera, just a photo camera with the videoing ability- so that’s why you can’t really see his face. Remember- this show is PG+ a bit. Please don’t necessarily let your children watch. If you are not an adult, don’t let me catch

Photos of the funny man.

So here they are. I’ve high-jacked a camera plug for my computer, so I was able to download all the pictures. For starters, here’s the pamphlet. And Tom’s main page. I wish I had Tatum’s copy- her’s is autographed. By “Tom Downs BTC FM”. For you amateurs, that’s “Tom Downs Big Tom Callahan Funny Man”.

He’s funny.

Can’t show you pics yet, but believe me when I tell you that Dad was AWESOME tonight. In fact, he was so awesome, that he got SECOND PLACE!! What?!? His first ever comedy show and he brings the house down. More to come tomorrow, or sometime. For now, the Downs family will just bask in

For the love.

This man is ridiculously talented. I enjoy this so much it is stupid. Truly. But these backup singers. Gracious. Take it down a notch. Phil Wickham. The Tabernacle. November 16th. I am so very excited. I’ll probably blog about it. I mean, I’m gonna have to think up something for the 16th. And by the

Guapo and NaBloPoMo

It’s about this time every night, that as I am laying in bed, blogging, reading, cross-stitching, or organizing my files, that my neighbors lose their dog. I don’t mean that they call their dog home- I mean they lose the dog and search frantically to find him. I don’t know how or why it happens

To Speak Love In Their Hearts.

It’s 12:52am. I made a critical error this afternoon and fell asleep after school with no alarm set to end the [much needed] nap. So at 9pm when I woke up, I realized I was in big trouble. And this is what big trouble looks like. Being bright eyed and bushy tailed at 1am. But

This is a white flag.

That I am waving. I give up. Fine, 10 page paper, you win. You have defeated me. I have one section left, the hard section, where I actually have to use research to say something instead of just my vast mental knowledge. It’s 9:54pm. The Falcons are losing by 11 points. And how did I