Author: Annie

Just as we all feared.

All my typed words are being contributed to a little 10 pager for grad school called “SCHOOL CASE STUDY”. Yes, it is as boring as it sounds. I got the pics from last weekend to show you, though they seem a little anti-climatic since LSU just got beat by Kentucky. How in the world did

Busy little bee.

I promise a weekend recap blog is coming. The people deserve nothing less. And you deserve to see Chad Ellis jumping off the dock at 12:10am after LSU’s victory. I’m just very busy these last few days. And will be until tomorrow- hoping to blog tomorrow night. If you get a chance, pray for me-

Did anybody say boogie woogie?

You are SO lucky that the photo part of my camera broke temporarily. Because that means I took video footage instead. That’s right. You go, Molly. And what distracts a super baby from crawling at warp speed? Water spots on a dock. Duh. Jarrett, the Prince of BATL returned to reign on his rightful throne.

If you need me this weekend, I’ll be here. Watching this. Without my computer.

The death of a journal.

Journals are more than just bound paper. They sort of have a personality of their own. When I come within 20 pages of the end of the one I am in currently, I go on a mission. Because even though 20 pages could last 20 days …. cough cough 40 days cough ….. it’s not


So, this is going to have to last you through the weekend. I have a HUGE paper to write for grad school and about 10 sets of papers to grade. And I’d like to maybe read my Bible and write in my journal for more than 75 seconds. I found this blog just clicking through

Wanna borrow this soapbox when I’m done?

Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I went to hear a speaker (Alfie Kohn) tonight for a graduate class at KSU. This man is known as a pretty controversial speaker among the education world. He doesn’t believe in grades or standards or test scores. He believes that education should be more organic and natural and

Things you need.

#1- Shane and Shane’s latest CD titled Pages. It’s amazing. Don’t even get me started on their lyrics. Genius. Those men are insanely talented and I adore them. Got to see them live on Sunday and about jumped out of my chair when they sang my favorite song on this album (today) : “Vision of

Pouring one out for my blogmies.

That’s bloggers + homies. Just so you know. See, here in the metro area (ok, let’s be honest, here at RiverStone Church), we have a little blogosphere of our own. And tonight was the first installment of what I hope is many more to come- Blog2Face. Actually sitting down and having real life conversations with