Author: Annie

Please pass the promise.

I stayed at a pretty amazing house this weekend. One of the joys of being me (is that okay to say?) is that sometimes I get to house-sit. And officially, I was house-sitting for a house-sitter. Don’t worry your pretty head about the details. Anyways, so on their fridge (Sorry, let me clarify- the pantry

Yes, I’m alive.

Just thought you’d like to know. It’s been a ZANY week. I’m still learning how to fit blogging in to a graduate school schedule. We’ll hopefully remedy this issue soon and very soon. Until then, have a great “holiday” weekend. (A little genius word play lead-in to the Shane and Shane video featuring my FAVORITE

Let me introduce myself.

I’m Annie. I’m the eldest daughter of a really good CPA. And I’m addicted to being financially organized. Here’s something funny I forgot about myself until this week, when I began grad school at KSU: When I have something to do (i.e- read 6 chapters in 2 books and write a 2 page paper), I

When my people speak….

I listen. Not a lot of fans of the red and black blog. I hear ya. I didn’t love it either. Hope this is better. It’s too hot outside. Gross. Miserable. If I ever complain in the winter, slap me. With a frozen steak. Across the face. My students REQUESTED that I drink a Diet

I had to.

I was so over my template. Don’t love this one, except the colors. Hang with me. Working on it.

But even if He does not.

Daniel 3:13-18 Furious with rage, Nebuchadnezzar summoned Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. So these men were brought before the king, and Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods or worship the image of gold I have set up? Now when you hear the sound of

So sue me. I’m famous.

Yes, again, I’m a big deal. Gosh, I’m sorry that this just keeps happening. But what can I do? It’s a burden. 🙂 Ok, but seriously, here is the 2nd interview with my friend Shannon for her website. It is such an honor to be a part of what Shannon is doing and to

The truth hurts.

Dear Bill Pinto, Do you wear jean shorts? Ain’t nothin’ finer in the land than a [mini] obnoxious Georgia fan. Go Dawgs.

Why I pay for expanded basic cable.

Do you ever flip channels, thinking nothing good is going to be on, ready almost to turn off the TV? Then suddenly one of your favorite shows that you forget exists is on? That just happened to me. With this show-Dog the Bounty Hunter. I love it. I won’t lie. This is an adrenaline pumped

My favorite season.

If you don’t like football, don’t keep reading. Did y’all know that Wade Phillips was the new head coach in Dallas? Though I loved Jim Mora, I don’t necessarily believe that the Falcons made the best choice when they let Wade go. I just sat down and started flipping channels and heard a familiar soothing