Author: Annie

Oh the first day of school….

There’s this song that Christian Cagle used to sing when we lived together in college. She would bang pots and pans and wake us up to celebrate it being our first day of that particular year of college. I think about that song every year on the first day of school. And it makes me

Would you believe?

That I’m blogging from the Kennesaw public library? Yeah, it’s weird. I’m not 100% sure how it happened- I came to return books, decided instead of dropping them off to come in and pay my fine (all of $2) and then got sucked in to the free computer access. I have a few minutes until

It’s a proven fact….I hate August.

This is my least favorite month of the year. It’s just too hot. 31 days of hot. And it’s not “lazy days of summer” hot, it’s “get dressed for school and then take kids out to recess and smell them all day” hot. Ewww. I’ve owed you a good blog for a while. I’m afraid,

Scotland photos.

If you want to see the photos from my trip, go the this website. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!

Home Sweet…Scotland.

I’m home. I’m in Marietta. So I’m sorta home, because Scotland has quickly become a second home for my heart. Not one of those “I wish I was there all the time” homes, but one of those “I don’t miss you because I’ll see you soon” homes. Know what I mean? There has been a


Hi friends. Please keep praying for us in Scotland. God has big plans, but I need His strength and His Holy Spirit to lead me…. hold me…. speak through me…. all of it.


I’m here.Things are AWESOME.Here is KTB and me in front of Edinburgh castle this afternoon. Yeah, we know we look good. Better than the castle, right? Nah, that’s a beautiful castle. We start camp in 2 days- keep praying for us! Pray for me specifically Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights as I will be speaking

Summer Camp. I heart you.

1991. That’s when it all started. Dad was a counselor and I was the coolest of the cool- a rising 6th grade pre-camper. We had our own cabin. On the boys’ side of camp. It was an awesome year….for me. For Dad? Not so much. One experience with 8th grade boys and an overflowing toilet,

Camp blog.

Just FYI- we’re going to be posting videos from camp on the blog over the next few days. Right now, you can see possibly one of my favorite parts of camp- MORNING CALL. It’s seriously hilarious. CAMP BLOG HERE! At some point pre-Scotland (which is tomorrow afternoon! Augh!), I want to blog about my experience