Author: Annie

A Brave Story: Cody

[Once a week, I am going to be sharing with you a brave story sent in from a reader. You can comment, respond, encourage. Want to submit your own story or a story of a brave friend of yours? Head to!] This week’s #thatisbrave story comes from Cody. I love how she is finding

Stop Singing Oceans.

In a manner unlike a normal Annie-post, I’m gonna get my preach on here, people. You’ve got to stop singing Oceans. (Here’s the song if you want it playing in the background as I tell you to stop singing it.) If you are in a contemporary worship church, then you probably sing it. If you

It’s Monday. You Need Ice Cream.

So in a world where not everyone gets to eat ice cream (me) because it is always made with milk and not everyone loves to have milk in their lives (me), this “ice cream” recipe is nothing short of heroic. You know, for dairy-free gals (like me). My friend Liz mentioned banana ice cream Sunday

A Brave Story: Jessie

[Once a week, I am going to be sharing with you a brave story sent in from a reader. You can comment, respond, encourage. Want to submit your own story or a story of a brave friend of yours? Head to!] This week’s #thatisbrave story comes from Jessie. This poet tale of courage is

A Brave Story: Audrey Shae

[Once a week, I am going to be sharing with you a brave story sent in from a reader. You can comment, respond, encourage. Want to submit your own story or a story of a brave friend of yours? Head to!] This week’s #thatisbrave story comes from Audrey Shae. She is wrestling through some

Head to the bookstore!

Okay, you guys. This is gonna be sooooo fun. Maybe you’ve seen on instgram and twitter about our new favorite hashtag #thatisbrave? (Here’s a refresher if you want to read more!) And we’ve got a fun idea…. (hey feed burner subscribers– there’s a video here. 🙂 Check it out!) What do you think? Fun, right?

That Is Brave

Every day, I hear story after story of courage. (Not a bad gig, to tell ya the truth.) You sweet people email me, text me, tag me on the internet, as you share your brave stories. And as I am traveling around the country and speaking to groups, you cannot imagine how many stories of

52 Hours In Nashville

So tomorrow morning, two of my best friends from across the pond land here in Nashville. Yes. For the first time EVER, my Scotland BFFs will be seeing my Nashville life and I am so excited that I CAN BARELY STAND IT, Y’ALL. But, I’m also mildly panicked. They will only be here 52 hours. FIFTY-TWO

Weird Lunch Wednesday

I don’t think this will become a thing. But it felt right. And also? I know it is Thursday. But this is what I ate for lunch yesterday, so. Wednesday. Y’all probably know I have PCOS- either from the book or the blog– and you know that in general, I eat dairy-free and gluten-free. So

When Positive Self Talk Isn’t Enough

It’s been many a year that I have wrestled and worked through how to deal with the lies in my head about how God made me and who I am and how I look. It’s always been a big deal to me. Good gravy, I wrote a book about it. But that doesn’t mean I don’t