Author: Annie

Anti-selfish at 27.

I turned 27 yesterday. 07-07-07. The birthday I’ve waited my entire life for. Truly. I’ve always loved 7s. In fact, my soccer number from 6th grade up, 19 seasons total (including school and rec) was 21- 3 7s. Except for my freshman year at Sprayberry- some senior was already 21, so we took a piece

Summa summa summa Camp….

(Please tell me you know that Fresh Prince reference) Here’s where you can keep up with me (and 300 of my closest friends) this week. Love ya, mean it.

July- the month I wasn’t.

That’s what you’re gonna think come August. Let me just lay down a little fact for you- I’ll be sleeping in my own bed 7 nights in July. Yeah, that’s nuts. Luckily, I have friends staying at my house, so at least my couch won’t think I’ve left forever. The week has been so good.

The Dramatic Rodent.

If this doesn’t make you laugh outloud, I worry for you. The more you watch it, the better it gets. And by the way, he’s not afraid. He’s trying to intimidate you.

Fan mail.

Someone emailed me last week complaining about the lack of daily blogs. So sue me for being popular. My friend James (who is a serious famous person) says it’s “the burden of being a big deal”. Don’t I know it. (I’m totally kidding here. Sometimes I forget that y’all don’t all know me personally so


As I’m sitting here working on Scotland stuff, I thought I’d take a break and bring you into the moment. What are my must-haves when I’m writing? Well, let me tell you. 1) It must either be SILENT or there is one channel on iTunes radio called “Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio” that is really quite

I have a lot of leather bound books…

If you don’t know that reference, that’s okay. You’re probably a better person than me. It’s from a movie I will not endorse on here, but call me if you want to throw some quotes back and forth. Brad? You up for it? 🙂 On my friend Shannon’s website, I am being featured each month

I think a shark wrote this.

Study: Sand causes more beach deaths than sharks By Mike Stobbe, AP Medical Writer ATLANTA — Waves and sharks aren’t the only dangers at the beach. More than two dozen young people have been killed over the last decade when sand holes collapsed on them, report father-and-son doctors who have made warning of the risk

A big step…..

Do you know what this is???? It’s a lot of things. It’s a BIG step toward my dream of becoming a writer. It’s a opportunity to be brave. It’s a chance to follow through on a vision the Lord gave me in 2002. It’s my story of freedom in the Lord. It’s the first manuscript