Author: Annie

10,000 reasons to blog.

Yes. It happened today. I had my 10,000th hit on this blog. I know what you are thinking and yes, probably 7,000 of those are my mother. I fully understand that. 🙂 None the less, it is exciting to think that 10,000 times someone has read something I have written. For an author-in-the-making-hopefully (my long

More blog to love.

My dear friends John and Kristi Stofer have joined the ever growing blog family (blamily? famiblog?). Check ’em out!


Isaiah 43:1But now, this is what the LORD says— He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” 1 John 4:18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to

Baby Pineapple with the Hunts.

From my trip to see Jake and Melissa in Charlotte. I stole this from their blog because I seriously think it is SO funny. We bought a BABY pineapple. (That’s enough set up for the hilarity that ensued.)

The Constant Gardener.

As I got home from school today, the sky turned a dark blue, almost hazy purple, and sharp lines of white light zigged and zagged through the sky. I unhooked my hanging baskets and set them in the yard for what I hoped would become a free watering session. (Did anyone mention to God that

The moment was right.

I’ve had two constant girlfriends in my life since I was very young. (And I’m not referring to my sisters, though I have known them most of my life, as well.) But I’m speaking of my two friends Danielle and Jennifer. We grew up together, not by our choosing, but by our parents- we all

The J-Man.

THIS is why I adore Jarrett Watkins. And this is when Jarrett is looking at me saying, “Annie, why are you photographing me right now? I have just finished eating. I am what some would consider mildly milk-drunk. Please. Stop.”

My new prayer language.

“I ain’t settlin’ for just getting byI’ve had enough so-so for the rest of my life Tired of shootin’ too low, so raise the bar high, I ain’t settlin’, no- for anything less than EVERYTHING.” -Sugarland Luke 18:1-5Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give

I want to be one.

” …only one out of an entire crowd is daring enough to invest his faith in the character of God.” -Oswald Chambers