Author: Annie

A list.

I love summer and sometimes I forget that. It never stops amazing me when God works in themes. I ate cereal for dinner. Our cell group is awesome. I love ridiculously long naps. I’m hosting book club on Tuesday. I’m cleaning my house on Monday. I turned my air conditioning on today. I wanted to

Last day.

Today was the last day of school. This is my fourth year teaching and I don’t want to think that I’m becoming less sensitive, but I think after each year, it becomes easier to say goodbye. And now that I teach 4th grade, the kids are still in the same building next year, so that

Thursday night thoughts.

Here goes one of those blogs that don’t get a lot of pre-think time. That always goes one of two ways- 1) really well or 2) not so really well. Let’s all cross our fingers for #1. No money back guarantee here though, folks. I love that NBC shows The Office reruns. That’s so right.


I used to coach soccer at Jackson County High School. One of my favorite people on the Earth is a kid named Kyle who played on the boys team. He is about six feet tall, light brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. He has a lot of friends, he studies hard, and he works at

Goodbye Stars Hollow.

Because it’s stupid to be sad about a TV show ending, I’m not going to post a big fat blog about Gilmore Girls ending tonight. Instead, I’ll quote an article I wrote about 18 months ago that talks about GG. My own homage, if you will. Every Tuesday night a group of us get together


Ezekiel 11:16 “….although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary….” I heard this verse in a play at the Theare on the Square Thursday night. (Sidenote- if you live in Marietta, get yourself to the TOTS and see the new play about the Sanders family.

Return of quasi-normalcy.

If that is even what my life would be considered. Probably most of you would disagree because you have to live and work and play on the outskirts of my insanity. And for that, I apologize or congratulate, not sure. The auction was fun. I’ll expound when it’s a little more of a memory. In

My life…

is the Missions Dinner and Auction at RiverStone.Over 300 items!!26 theme baskets!!Food from Italian Kitchen!! I sleep, eat, and think AUCTION constantly. If you’re in town, come to RiverStone tonight at 6:30pm. You can totally buy a ticket at the door. For no extra cost, you get to watch me, Haley, and Molly run around


So I had the pleasure of spending the weekend with some of my greatest college buddies- Jake and Melissa Hunt. We were neighbors in what would be considered a pretty high class neighborhood for a couple of years in Athens. (Please hear the sarcasm in that.) Melissa is pregnant. Very pregnant. Like, 8 days until

Of course she does.

Beth Moore blogs. HERE is the proof. Good eye, Shannon. You, my friend, would make any internet stalker proud. (And I put myself right in the thick of that category- I’m not talking about the scary kind…I’m talking about the I’m-able-to-find-out-almost-anything-I-want-to-know kind.) B.Moore has 199 comments on one post. Gracious. Talk about all consuming- she