Author: Annie

A quiet afternoon.

Today I had an eye doctor appointment. After dilation, they take me in a room and dim the lights. I’m in the straight backed chair, sitting chris-cross-applesauce (formerly known as “Indian style”). The nice lady closes the door and I have a revelation. It’s quiet. Totally quiet. Not one kid saying my name. Not one


It feels like SUCH a long time since I’ve blogged anything. Strange. Because the good joke it that it has been less than a week. That’s what love feels like, I guess. 🙂 Have you heard of Paste Magazine? I dig it. Heather and I went to a party at their headquarters last night in


Here is the letter I mailed out this week. Please take time to read it. (And I promise, as I continue to defeat this dreaded cold, my blog world will return to normal. But honestly, I’ve been meaning to put this up- tonight just seemed like a good night.) April 17, 2007Dear friends and family,

1 reason not to be a teacher:

GERMS. I made all my students raise their hand today if they had a cold. Then I publicly scolded them for sharing it with me. I’m calling it an UBER-cold. Cause it’s that good….or bad…or strong. I’m not even sure it’s the right way to use UBER, I just wanted to. I have a good

Costco… I love you.

Let me tell you something you may, or may not, know about me. I, as a faithful member of the Downs family, live by this motto- the 7 Ps. Mom calls it the 6 Ps- can you guess which word she leaves out? Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Read it again. Think about

Think on this one.

Ha- the entire blog I wrote just got deleted. I guess that reminds me again that my words are worth VERY little compared to the thickness of the Word of God. (I think thickness works there- like pudding, not like fog. You with me?) Hebrews 11:6“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because

Jeff’s Surprise Party. Booyah.

It’s not every day that Jarrett’s daddy turns 30. Actually, it’s not today. Or yesterday. But the surprise party WAS yesterday. And it ruled. Except when poor Jarrett was subjected to this torture. God help that boy being raised in a house divided. Go dawgs.Here’s Jarrett helping Jeff blow out his tool candles. Haley found


Friday night was our first FaceDown prayer service at the new church building. It’s weird. And awesome. I can’t believe we have our own building. Our home. The service was amazing. To pray in the place that we have been WAITING for, to look at the sanctuary, the youth room, all these places that we

BATL comes to a close.

Not much has ruled in 07 like BATL. Mom and I are still here- I refuse to end BATL. Last night was hard core- we ate at the Dillard House. KTB didn’t even know what was coming. She was overwhelmed. We couldn’t take one picture, we were too focused on the meal at hand. The