Author: Annie

BATL photos

It’s 1:06pm. Most of us are still in our pajamas, though some have abandoned the pjs and put on regular clothes in order to leave. 🙁 Jarrett, Haley, and Molly will be leaving us now…. their BATL was short, but lovely. Here’s some photos of our good times this morning. Molly is pondering a recipe.

BATL Update #1

Here’s something you need to know. It’s spring break. And we are at BATL- Break At The Lake. You may wonder why the comments on my blog are less. That’s mainly due to the fact that those that comment the most are sitting in the living room with me. The BATLers? Pam, Annie, Molly, Caroline,


I was laying in my bed yesterday, windows open, hair still wet from a shower (after I worked in the yard and cleaned out my car, thank you very much), listening to Phil Wickham. As I listened to a song called “Yours Alone”, I started thinking through the last six months or so and what

Video comments.

Lame. I know. But since when do I let you just watch something without my personal commentary? Never. Not now. Not ever. That’s never. This is a video from last Saturday- the concert I saw with Phil Wickham and Shane Everett. They are singing a new Shane & Shane song. It rules. Enjoy. I love

Ladies in (or near) the ATL

Who’s interested? I’m reading a book right now by Sheila Walsh (she’s speaking one of the days) that is awesome. And, Beth Moore? Are you kidding? She rules. Every day. So maybe if we get a group together we can get the “group rate”? And we all have my dear friend Shannon to thank

The wisdom of book club.

How much truth is TOO much? Isn’t that a genius question? A scary question, that could have uncomfortable answers. And not a one of you are surprised it came from the lovely ladies of book club. Because a “good Christian” should probably say that no amount of truth is too much. But I don’t agree.

Phil Wickham.(The blog that almost wasn’t.)

I know you’ve read about Phil Wickham before. It’s true- I have a deep love for singer/ songwriters. It is getting ridiculous the way I am moved by lyrics. You know, if you’ve been around this blog-block long enough, that I love writing. I love words. And I love people who write WELL. I’m not

MacBook and Manning. Bad combo.

Let me just tell you. I love my MacBook. I promise I do….. I think….. But there is a mild (major) amount of frustration that is bubbling in me because I’ve been sitting here for an HOUR AND A HALF trying to edit and upload pictures. When I researched this purchase ($$), I thought iPhoto