Author: Annie

Kennesaw Mountain.

I just had to today. Usually, if Haley and Molly don’t want to walk at the mountain, it is a sweet relief to me. But not today. I needed it. I can’t explain it. I left school today so fully frustrated that I could have jumped out of my skin. My brain is so full

How have I missed this?

Isaiah 53:5 But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, THE PUNISHMENT THAT BROUGHT US PEACE WAS UPON HIM, and by His wounds we are healed. I have honestly been sitting in my big white chair for 35 minutes thinking about that one line. I’ve looked at about 20 different

Waters gone by.

(Random preface: Can I please just tell you why my MacBook just got SO much better? I downloaded “Mozilla Firefox” as my internet browser- I think it is kinda like taking your favorite blankie to college. Not the cool thing to do, but still the thing that brings you comfort. So I’m feeling more at

Things you need to know.

1) I purchased a MacBook yesterday. And though I am enjoying it, I am NOT a fan of change so it is tugging at my heartstrings to see my old Dell sitting over there, neglected. I’m sorry, old friend. It was nothing personal. 2) I have the stomach flu. Trust me, that’s all the info

We Are.

I don’t know how much you know about my classroom experience this year, or what this class has meant to me, but I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that the Lord used this group of kids to save my teaching career. I know that sounds extreme, but I feel that it is

In Your LOVE.

I remember it was MLK weekend my sophomore year of college. I was skiing with the youth group from East Cobb UMC- skiing being a funny word to use, since I had actually torn my MCL that day, and so I was just sitting on the back porch of the condo. It wasn’t snowing, but


1) Yesterday, a student at school stood up and growled/yelled, “I HATE YOU” in a deep voice in my immediate direction. Yikes. Angry, but quotable. I mean, did anyone hate YOU today? Probably not. But you also didn’t assign the massive 10 math problems. I know, I’m a slave driver. (Yeah right.) 2) On another

I’m in love.

I don’t know how this happened. It started so innocently. I wasn’t even LOOKING. I was just there. Helping a friend. And the next thing I know, I’m planning our future together. Isn’t that always the way it is? When you’re looking, the well is dry. But when your focus is on someone else, that’s

Psalm 68:6

“God sets the lonely in families….” This was one of my favorite verses towards the end of college. There was (is) a family in Athens that I babysat for often, worked for in multiple jobs (I’m a renaissance woman, if you will), and even lived with one summer. I shared a room with a 18-month