Author: Annie

I wish I was kidding.

I just wrote an entire blog, including a pretty sweet picture. It had some good jokes, none destructive, just humorous. It was light hearted. It drew you in, as the reader, to an experience in my life and explained how I enjoy photographing those experiences. It informed you while it entertained you. It was, in


If you knew that I had spent the last 55 minutes trying to pick a new template, would you still be my friend? Probably not, and I can’t blame you. Especially since, in the end, I came back to ole faithful here. Welcome to my life. I have no idea where this blog is going

Home from 1935.

That’s what it feels like at least. I think I’m already having ancestor withdrawal. What a cool trip. How many times is Mom going to have to drag me somewhere kicking and screaming (Ghana, Williamsburg, etc.) and then me come home LOVING the trip? Then I look like a fool. I hate when that happens.

Pictures older than you.

Unless you are Colonel, and I’m pretty sure he can’t use the Internet. It would totally wig him out. From left to right- Grandmother (Colonel’s mom) Colonel (totally squatting on the fence he fell off of- remember the “poisoned pup”), Aunt Hattie (dining hall picture) and Aunt Mary (squeezed my face). Isn’t this picture rad?

I’m a kayak. Hear me roar.

If you saw Gilmore Girls tonight, you’re so with me on that title. If not, sorry. Well, today was my “day off”- I stayed at the hotel (Parc England- on the old England Air Force Base) while Mom went and met some random limb of our family tree. I’m talking long distance- across the trunk

Day 1/2 highlights.

It looks like the title is “1/2”, as in half a day of highlights. Actually, I’m going to give you Day 1 and Day 2 highlights. (Why did I choose to explain it instead of change it? No clue.) First of all, we spent last night in Hoover, Alabama. The entire evening I looked for

I should be packing.

Well, Mom and I leave in an hour for a little week long road trip to Louisiana. We will be stopping today in Birmingham to see some family (sorry that I can’t see you, Whit!!) and then heading to Aunt Mary’s house in Louisiana. There, we’ll be scanning old pictures into Mom’s computer and talking

Teacher pinkie finger.

So there are a lot of people who read this blog (and who live on earth) that do not teach school. For you, I present this insight into the educational world. This is what we at Woodstock Elementary call “teacher pinkie”. You may notice the dark patch on the top knuckle of my finger. (Yes,

iPod + blog = iBlod or iPog?

Or maybe iBlog? I believe strongly in the power of a well designed playlist. Not that you care about what I’m listening to presently; but really, why should you care about any of the things I write on here? (I feel like Ryan right now) Anywho, here’s my newly created playlist- 1. Jesus Loves Me

beautiful reminder.

“Our Father does not create us with painfully strong desires and dreams solely to break our spirits when they do not come to pass. Sometimes the purpose of both the dream and the devastation are one: to loosen our clinging ties to this life and lift our chin toward eternity. At least, that is what