Author: Annie


My friend Misti invited me to go to Bible study with her tonight. “What should I bring?”, I asked her. “Yourself, your Bible, and Crayola markers” was her reply. Strange list, huh? I mean, who even needs markers at a Bible study? She then explained to me that in the Bible study, you talk about

Shrek and Fiona.

I’ve never seen a photograph of Jesus, but I would guess He looks nothing like Shrek. But tonight I realized that Jesus and Shrek have more in common than I thought. Follow me on this rabbit trail and I promise I will come back around. Fiona, our princess here, was trapped in a castle. Sure,

Lorelai Gilmore.

She has the best quotes. From last week- “My brain is a wild jungle full of scary jibberish.”I hear ya, sister.


Today is Sally’s 19th birthday. Tatum has done a lovely collage of photos for you to celebrate the Sal-ster, but where Tatum believes that pictures are worth a thousand words, I believe that pictures may need a thousand words to explain them. Fear not, I’m really too tired to give you 1000 words for each

Words of LOVE.

This may be the most Annie art I’ve ever seen- so swirly, so abstract, so messy, so beautiful. Gosh, I love it. I can’t really stop looking at it. Focus, Downs, focus. My favorite song that Dave Barnes sings is “Nothing Fancy”. As soon as I heard it, I thought, “that is SO me and

I’ve got a theme.

I don’t know if you know this about me, but God often works in seasons in my life. Or “themes”, if you will. I can think back over many different times in my life where God has “themed” me. Where an entire section of my year, usually an entire journal, is dedicated to one idea,

10 Things I Love.

1) My cell group.It’s amazing to think that God put us together, five women and four men (four married couples + me), 2 little girls, 1 baby boy (the J man), many more little ones to come and maybe another guy someday. But it feels like home there. It feels long, if that makes sense.


This week, I’m not feeling as “bloggy” as usual. For some reason, I’m really diggin’ my journal and what’s going on in there. I’m not quitting blogging by ANY MEANS. It’s an addiction. I don’t quit addictions. I’m not a cold turkey kind of girl. But I think I just need to see my handwriting

Now I’ll really tell you.

So I honestly wasn’t just trying to leave you in suspense. I really had to go. But here is the movie I saw- Freedom Writers. It’s great. I think at any point in my life I would have enjoyed it, but because I was trying to make a MAJOR decision, it sank deep into my

Let me tell you…

why I teach school. I can tell you this because I think I have finally figured out the answer. Or at least I have figured out enough to be able to form some type of response to the question that is asked more often than you would believe. Because, as many of you know, I