Author: Annie


I’ve restarted this blog three times. I can’t figure out how to tell you what I’m thinking. It’s not that I’m short on words- that will be the day. It’s that I can’t relate to you exactly how music and lyrics affect me.It’s deep. It’s personal. I don’t prefer music where I can’t understand what

With the mama’s permission…..

Here he is! Jarrett. Looking good, feeling better… well, except for that one little place that got snipped a little while before we got there. Ouch. This man already knows me- I’m trying to take his picture and so I’ll look at him and say “open your eyes, Jarrett!” and he’d look right at me.

Happy birthday, Jarrett!!

Though I have many (7 to be exact) other things to blog about, they are all second to this: Haley and Jeff had their baby today!! (If you don’t know, Haley is one of my very best friends, big sister, confidant, partner in crime, etc.) As soon as I got the call at school, I

Weekend away.

I’ve got to take the weekend off- a lot of other things in my life need to get done. Let me list them for you- in no particular order:1. chores2. reading my book club book (800+ pages, 10 days to go, only on page 386. Yikes.)3. outlining some writing stuff4. finishing my chapel talk for

“…yet I will hope in Him…”

I bought a ring in Ghana with this symbol on it. I’m into symbols- I like them. I like when things have meaning. Don’t get me wrong- purposeless designs are pretty. But if you have a beautiful design, abstract of course because that’s always right, with a deep heart meaning behind it, you’ve found a

Check mate.

I’m not even sure that’s the right term, but I have defeated iTunes. And now I’m happily listening to Coldplay. Good night.

Why not?

When you are in Target with your friends, and they have removed the aisles leaving a lot of empty space, why would you not do this? While you are there, check out the ear candles. Ewww…. I know I’ve mentioned missing the Mozleys, but I also miss Tatum. And no, Mama did not make me


1) My ear is still clogged (2 ear candles and a capful of rubbing alcohol later).2) I’m exhausted.3) I miss the Mozleys. How long is this going to take to get over? Good ole Beef Burger….4) I know I still owe you pics.5) I’m on my 5th load of laundry.6) I’ve watched the first half

Did you know I went to Puerto Rico?

Because I did. I went last night at midnight- after our flight took off from Accra at 6pm!! Yeah, the one that was supposed to fly at 9:45am. “Annie, why were you in Puerto Rico last night?”, you may ask. Let me just list for you, quickly, the schedule for yesterday (I think it was

It is so hard to say goodbye….

especially when you can’t leave. What you will enjoy is that it is 1:21pm in Ghana- we got to the airport at 6:45am. Our flight was at 9:45am. Do the math. The plane didn’t leave. There’s something here we like to call “Harmaton”- pretty much the Sahara blows a ton of sand all over Africa