Author: Annie

When your book has a sister.

If Let’s All Be Brave could have a sister, I’d pick Speak by Nish Weiseth. (Is that how “sisters” work? You just pick? Okay. Great.) This sisters idea is not only because I think they would look cute posing for pictures today, but more because they are two different books that share the same blood. What flows

$10K Purpose Project update: DONESKI!

I am not going to cry while I write this post. I am not going to cry while I write this post. I am not going to…. forget it. I’m teary. You may remember back in February when we had a big fat goal for our month to raise $10,000 through Mocha Club for the New

Brave at (in)courage

That’s it. That’s what I want my life to be about- sharing with anyone who will listen that they were made on purpose, by a loving God, and made to be brave. Today I hopped over to (in)courage to write about it. I’d love for you to join me there. We’re asking a hard question

I have to tell you about flitter.

After writing for (in)courage for the last five years, I finally saw the mothership. Over the weekend, I got to travel with some friends to northwest Arkansas to the home of (in)courage– Dayspring. (Hence my bloggy silence all weekend. Apologies.) Dayspring makes really beautiful faith-based products and cards and such. We got to attend their devotionals

What I’m doing today.

Well, friends. What a fun few days we have had. I just don’t know how to express to you what it means that people are buying and actually reading and LIKING Let’s All Be Brave. Do you remember when I was too scared to write this book? Or how this book was a catalyst that

Let’s All Be Brave

Oh friends. Today is the day. Let’s All Be Brave is alive and well and *should* be available in every bookstore and online. I need you today, friends. I need you to tell your people about Let’s All Be Brave. I want to give you all the things you could every possibly need to share


Let’s All Be Brave releases tomorrow. (That also means that until the end of today you can get the pre-order swag.) And there are so many things I’m probably supposed to say to you today about how I need your help to make sure people know about the book and links to this and that.

Why Moms Need Colbie Caillat The Most.

Across the internet this weekend, people are praising Colbie Caillat’s new video, Try. (Watch it here. It is amazing.) The premise is that you don’t have to try to be beautiful or accepted or wanted. It is a super strong message that needs to be spoken into the young women of our culture. And with

Happy birthday to me– and a gift for YOU!

Well. I’m 34 and it feels so good. (Thanks for all your kind words online today, by the way. As you probably have guessed words are my love language, so having the internet fill will lovely words from friends is enough to make my heart burst.) And welcome to the new blog and website! Feel

It’s just that I’m spending a lot of time watching sports.

Sorry for my absence. It’s World Cup time, which is by far my very favorite holiday sporting event. In fact, probably the reason I’m actually remembering to blog today is because there are no games. 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, I’m not just plunked in front of my television all day every day, but ESPN