Author: Annie

Peace up. A-town down.

As previously mentioned in the “serious” blog, I went to the Hawks game last night. Now, as much as the Hawks are awful, and they are, I still feel sorry for them that no one shows up for the games! The only sections that were even REMOTELY full were where we were- in the free

Where do you go when you’re lonely?

A great question posed by the deep thinker Tim McGraw. 🙂 I had a realization tonight. There is a chance I might be alone the rest of my life. Now, we can all say the sweet “God has someone hand picked for you” or the classic “The best is worth the wait” and all that

Guest blogger.

I’m just too tired today. “Tired” probably isn’t the right word, but it is the safe word, so that’s what you get. A big thank you goes out tonight to Bethany Dillon for being my guest blogger. (This is her on the left, in case you are as “tired” as me- and you need help

I elfed myself. (copy this whole thing and paste it into your browser) If you’ve never been a teacher, here’s a tip. This is the kind of stuff that makes 4th graders double over with laughter. If you don’t know me, this is the kind of stuff that makes me double over with laughter.

The birth of forgiveness.

I went to Buckhead Church this morning, and the worship leader said that. “The birth of forgiveness”. I had never looked at Christmas like that. But that is so what it is. The birth of forgiveness, the birth of hope, the birth of joy, the birth of what matters most. Beautiful. Jesus is.If I could


Here’s my attempt at being artsy. The real question- who is it? Because those are some beautiful eyes! And if you were wondering, here are 10 reasons I love my life. Top row: Ashley, Katie B, EmCat, Sally, me (I’m not counted in the 10- that would be weird to say “I love my life

Chinese Train Car.

So, my teacher friend Jenn comes into my room talking about hearing music by Chinese Train Car. Guess what she meant? Mannheim Steamroller! If that doesn’t make you laugh outloud, or at least giggle, you’ve had a long day. I’m warning you before you even get settled into this blog that it is going to


What is it about Tuesdays and Sundays and blogging? Don’t know. I just returned from a good night at 7:22. It’s so funny to go to this Bible study now- I remember being 19 and thinking that 7:22 was the coolest college thing to do. I have such a totally different perspective on it today.

I miss youth group. Part Deux.

I’m sorry I haven’t posted since Tuesday. I’ve been busy. I’m a social butterfly. What can I say? So I just wrote for about 45 minutes all about why I miss volunteering with the youth group today. (Hence the title- “Part Deux”.) But here’s the funny thing about me- I don’t want to rewrite it.

There is no shame…

in blogging twice within an hour. I write. I just have to. It’s how I get things out of the gerbil cage that is my mind. Psalm 116:7Be at rest once again, o my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. In all the things that are in my mind, and all the