Author: Annie

Kids are sick.

If you aren’t in the teaching profession, enjoy this nugget from today.I pick my kids up from lunch, and I have to immediately stop the line to say this:“Susie, quit flossing your teeth with your hair. That’s gross.”As if that wasn’t enough to make you squeamish, the girl behind her leans up, taps her on

It was no illusion.

I have so many weekend things to tell you, my “I think you read this but I can never really be certain” friends. One of my all-time best friends, Danielle, had a baby shower Saturday morning. I won a gift. I took it. (Obvious decision, right?) Another girl won a gift, then gave it to

This is what I know.

When people ask me about my plans for next year, my plans for writing, my plans for teaching, my plans with church, my plans with youth group, my plans in general- that is the answer- “I don’t know.” About six months ago, as many of you know, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do.

When polite people do impolite things.

My dear friend at school asked me to blog about this. For her sake, I’ll give her a fake name- Jenn. Jenn and I are eating lunch. Let me preface by saying that I am, in general, a polite person. I ate my grilled cheese that came in a plastic sealed bag, like the kind

And what if 2 years later I don’t like the penguin?

Seriously, I heard that question posed tonight. Referring to a tattoo.And I wasn’t with high schoolers. I was with moms. At possibly my favorite place- BOOK CLUB.Jive me if you wish, but I have found a little slice of heaven in this book club. I know many think it is uncool, but it is NOT.


It has been years since I’ve watched this movie from start to finish. In fact, in college, Haley and I decided we would come up with our own version of Titanic that we would view. We would start in the beginning and quit watching it before…. umm…. Jack and Rose…. how even do I say


Well, seven of us are sitting around my kitchen table. My friend James is telling us a lot of stats from his honor academy, and telling us all the things he’s not allowed to do- such as watch rated R movies or listen to secular music. (I can’t really make a joke here without seeming

Hello. I’m 5 years old again.

I just watched three hours of PBS. It was a very interesting series about a man retracing the locations found in the first five books of the Bible. What started to him as a historical/research trip became a spiritual journey full of revelations about God, the desert, and the reality that is the Bible. It

This lady loves her some concerts.

Let me tell you, tonight was a good time. Those boys from Third Day put on quite a show at Gwinnett Arena. Mac Powell sang so nice and then brought the Word and preached. For real. I’ll tell you what- the presence of the Lord showed up. It was awesome. The whole concert was amazing.

ITunes disaster averted.

So, I sign on ITunes this morning because I’m just ready to add Christmas music to my IPod. So sue me. And I go to add NSync’s Christmas album (maybe that was my first mistake?) and when I sign on, ALL my songs are gone, ALL my playlists are gone, and the entire system has