Author: Annie

I have a crush on Clinton Kelly.

You see, he’s a fashion expert. If you haven’t watched “What Not To Wear”, you need to. If you have watched it, then you know I probably need to be on it. If you want to nominate me, I am very for that. Please don’t make me put up pictures on this blog to prove

Rumors of a place called home.

I heard Steven Curtis Chapman on the radio tonight and he said that. And it did a lot in my mind. If you know me, you know that words have started playing a pretty significant role in my life- hopefully VERY significant soon. So these words started rolling around in my mind- or I guess

I heart Augusta… and Phil Wickham.

All I have to say is, if you get a chance to go ANYWHERE and see Phil Wickham in concert, do it. If you don’t, and I find out, I will personally find my way to you, point in your face, and ridicule you for making a poor decision. Ok? Don’t make me do that,

Your mom is an old hockey movie.

I went to my first Atlanta Thrashers game last night. The school where I work gave out free vouchers to teachers and students. And because I’m a mooch, and single, I took a handful so I could invite my friends. [Something that you need to know is that when I say “with my friends” or

Out of product…

I ran out of Friz-Ease Hair Serum today. A fate worse than…. nah, not that bad. It is this lovely small bottle of clear goo. A drop about the size of the dime can just barely control the frizzy hairs that I do not like. As a result of running out, today my hair is

I can’t resist.

I’m pretty hard core, I’ll admit. I usually stand up against technological pressures (i.e- MySpace, Facebook, CDs, DVDs, toilet paper, blogs, etc.). But alas, I have fallen. I am weak. I want a blog. And now I have one. I think things like this, and MySpace (which I adore now), are strangely therapeutic. I can