Author: Annie

What I think about going to Africa.

Right now, I have a load of clothes in the washer, a load in the dryer, and I’ve got two more to go. I’m doing what you’ve probably already done this spring- switching out fall/winter clothes for spring/summer clothes, giving away the pieces that I don’t want anymore, packing away what I won’t need until

What would you ask the stars of TFIOS?

So I got an email last week inviting me to the Fan Event for The Fault In Our Stars, the movie based on the book by John Green. I thought, “that is so cool! I can’t believe I get to sit in the audience and have a ticket reserved for me.” And then the PR

Wanna come hang out?

Sometimes I just wish you could come over. Maybe I’m a lunatic, but when I type on this side of the screen, it often feels like I’m writing a letter to a friend. I think about you and think about what I want you to know and the funny stories I want to tell you

30 days.

I don’t know why I can’t get this idea out of my head. What if you KNEW God was going to answer your deepest heart’s prayer in 30 days? Like, the clock is ticking and you’ve got 30 days until He does the thing you’ve always wanted Him to do. What would that mean for

$10K Purpose Project: New Dawn update!

Oh friends. In 2 1/2 weeks, I head to Kenya with the Mocha Club to see New Dawn High School, the school we are helping to renovate thanks to your donations raised in February- over $12,000! (You can read all about it here.) On Monday, I got this tweet from Curtis, a Mocha Club staff

Tuebook Tuesday Part 3

Another week, another couple of books that I’m really excited to tell you about. I’m making some goals with my life (including more fun pronto), but I’m not putting any pressure on myself to be THE MOST DISCIPLINED or THE MOST PERFECT version of me. Today’s Tuebook Tuesday books speak right into that- the importance

Thank you, Switchfoot.

Last week, after I had bemoaned a few situations going on right now, my friend Jennie said, “so… what’s fun right now?” Trying, I think, to help me focus on the positive. I panicked. Because I couldn’t think of anything. I have to tell you. If there is one thing I prioritize, one thing I

New Headshots: It Takes A Village

With each new book that releases, I get to have new headshots taken. I think new headshots are fun. WAY FUN. Here is my favorite– It looks like me, but a really-fancy-done-up version of me. As these collection of pictures make their way around the internet and magazines and et cetera over the next few

Tuebook Tuesday Part Tue

Well now I’ve started something I don’t want to quit. Like eating Cadbury Creme Eggs. (Easter come quickly.) I just love getting to tell y’all about books and two more great books release today that I think you should know about (and And AND stick around to the end for giveaways!). . . . .

PCOS Update: After you jumpstart….

Two weeks ago, I spoke at an event where, in passing, I mentioned that I have PCOS. Mainly, I was lamenting that pizza is just a memory in my life. Whah whah. To most people, the acronym PCOS doesn’t even stick in their minds. But for girls who have struggled – with infertility, weight issues,