Author: Annie

I’m having all the fun right now on the internet.

I just need you to know this. Here’s why. Talk about God opening a HUGE door! Amazon picked Speak Love (a TEEN CHRISTIAN book!) to be their Kindle Daily Deal. Yes, everyone at Zondervan freeeeeeaked out. Because y’all! What is God up to that He has made a way for this book about the power

Let’s All Be Brave.

To be honest, I’m already a little teary over here. Here it is. This is the book you know I’ve been working on, the one that almost broke me, the one that I tell people, “may have done something to my insides that will never fix”… in some good and bad ways. 🙂 And I

Tuebook Tuesday.

See what I did there? I want to tell you about two books that release today that I think will really impact the planet. And I thought about titling the blog post “Two Book Twos Day,” but that felt even dumber… if that’s possible. So I went with “Tuebook” and I actually really like it

Your tears matter.

I’m a crier. You know this about me, whether you and I have met face to face or not. I talk about it in my books, I talk about it when I speak (usually as a warning to the audience). It’s not that I’m dramatic. I’m just emotional. I just feeeeeel all the things and

March 2014 Birchbox

Birchbox has become one of my absolute favorite parts of each month. And, just to be clear, I doodled on the box top- it doesn’t always come like that. I’ve had a lot of conference calls lately, which is when I have found myself able to really improve my doodles. (I’m great at running a company.

Hey single girls, we need YOUR story.

I’m going to get pushy today, consider yourself warned. Maybe it’s because I’m up early writing and feeling a bit of fire in my bones or maybe it’s because my oatmeal is perfect, but either way, buckle up. Why are you not sharing your story? To be honest, I’m looking at you, single girls. (Marrieds

Seven Questions with Sarah Davidson

I’m excited on a lot of levels today. A. I’m starting a new series called Seven Questions. Pretty much, I’m just going to ask my friends seven questions and show you the answers. B. Tonight is another installment of Private Lives of Nashville Wives on TNT. To be fair, I haven’t seen every episode, but

PCOS Update: Gettin’ My Diva On

One year. That’s how long I have been living dairy-free. Actually, to be fair to myself, it’s been 13 months. Trust me, I count the days without cheese. (For those who don’t know, I have PCOS – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I told you about it here and I’ve written about it here.) But the last few

10K Purpose Project – Lizzie!

So you’ll recall that in February we partnered with Mocha Club and raised $12,355 for New Dawn High School in Nairobi, Kenya. (That sentence still blows my mind.) The thoughts behind Mocha Club’s purpose projects is to raise money in a month and once you hit your goal, to make yourself do something that you

Saturday morning.

I hope you’ll pop over to (in)courage today and read about how much I enjoy being lazy on a Saturday. (There’s a point, of course. More than “I like to lay around on a Saturday and read books.” Though you and I both know a post from Annie Downs doesn’t need much more of a point