Author: Annie

Stop Bullying Celebrities.

Y’all know I get a little PASSIONATE ABOUT SOME THINGS, and today, what has my feathers all ruffled is seeing how the public treat celebrities. Yes, I wrote about it in Speak Love. Yes, I wrote about it when Miley made a scene at the VMAs. And I’m going to keep writing about it until

Kath’s Banana Bread

My grandmother, Kath, made the best banana bread EVER. Crunchy ends, spongy moist center, yummy banana flavor. It was a childhood favorite. Bananas rarely last in my house to the over-ripe point [I love them], but this week I realized a few had. I pulled out the handy dandy Downs Family & Friends Favorites Cookbook

A delish dinner.

It’s been a while since I told you what I’m feeding my small group gals…. as in, like, it’s been a year. Man, just seeing that post makes me feel tired. That chicken was good but TIME INTENSIVE LIKE WHOA. Over the weekend while I was in Texas- Halloween night to be precise, I had

Afternoon Distraction :: The Story of Nashville

If you didn’t see the documentary yesterday on ABC, I hope you’ll catch it somehow. Makes me proud to live here. Also makes me nervous that everyone ever is going to want to move here and people we don’t need traffic so come if you are willing to ride a bicycle as your primary form

Bloggy Update! :)

Popping in real quick to tell you we’ve got a bloggy update on our hands! If you’ve been wanting to get blog posts emailed to you each time they post, if you’ll look at the top of the page, you can now do that! All you do is put your email address in the box

31 Ways To Speak Love

You guys? God is up to something. And He’s inviting us to join in. The Bible says our tongues (and typing fingers?) are always speaking life or death. So let’s focus on our words and watch as beautiful things grow when we choose words of life towards God, others, and ourselves. We are changing our