Author: Annie

Day 31 :: 5 Steps To No More Mean Girls

In the deepest parts of my heart, I think we can live in a world that the mean girl isn’t welcome. I told her so yesterday, but I also talked about it last month over at (in)courage. But if we’re going to get rid of the mean girl mentality in our culture, we have to

Day 30 :: Goodbye, Mean Girl.

Dear Mean Girl, I am not one that tends to be fond of the open letter, though it seems to be the internet’s favorite form of communication. But being that you are everywhere and I can’t just mail you a note, I will today write one to you here in hopes that you see it.

Day 29 :: Use Your E-manners.

After 29 days of writing about ways to Speak Love, one theme keeps coming up in conversations and in emails. How we behave online. No, not teenagers. No, not kids. No, not men. Women. You [most of you] and me. . . . . . You see it. I see it too. Women who are

Day 28 :: Speak Life by Toby Mac

Every Monday of October, I want to share with you a song that speaks directly about the power of words. People have been texting/emailing/tweeting/telling me about this song since the first mention of me having a book called Speak Love. Toby Mac’s Speak Life says all the things about words and how we use them

Day 27 :: Matthew 12:34

Every Sunday in this month, I’m going to share one verse that really has impacted me as I’ve studied and taught about the power of words. In the NIV, this verse says “out of the overflow of your heart, your mouth speaks.” I love quoting that when I’m speaking or sharing it with teen girls

Day 26 :: Teen Girls

I can’t believe we are 26 days into this thing and I haven’t talked about teenagers yet. Gracious. They are my people. I’ve seen a lot of teenage/college girls this fall and it has been a treat. I love talking to them about the power of words, about what God is asking them to do

Day 25 :: Your Labels

Being wheat-free and dairy-free has changed my grocery shopping significantly in the last few months. I literally have to read the label on every single product. You would be shocked how many non-cheese products have milk in them. Sheesh. So I read alllllll the labels. It takes me lots of time, y’all. Lots of time.

Day 24 :: fashionABLE

One of the best ways to Speak Love? Speaking up for the ones who don’t have a voice. You’ve surely seen it around the blogosphere- bloggers using their platform to support non-profit organizations that help people around the world. It’s a pretty awesome use of the world wide web if I do say so myself.

Day 23 :: Talk To God.

Life is busy. I miss my college days when it was part of my schedule each day to sit and pray and journal and read my Bible. That’s not my life now. I don’t like waking up early, I can’t keep my eyes open late, and I find myself filling each day with work and

Day 22 :: Spotify Jams

So a few of you have been asking for the song lists for our two Spotify playlists. My lovely and talented intern Sarah typed them up for you here! We linked to them on Amazon or iTunes in case you want to own ’em. . . . . . Speak Love Spotify Playlist: (based on