Author: Annie

Day 11 :: Your Words Matter

Hi friends. Earlier this month, I got to do an interview with FaithGateway and my friend Sami about the power of words. I absolutely loved getting to kick off our 31 Ways to Speak Love with this interview. This video will only be available for a few more days, so I wanted to make sure

Day 10 :: Malala

I was supposed to blog about a different speak love topic today, but when I returned home from speaking at Brentwood High School’s FCA this morning, a video clip came across my internet. I had seen some friends talking about this Malala Yousafzai girl over the last few days, but to be honest, I just

Day 9 :: The Ones Who Lead You

A few weeks ago, I went to Austin with about seventy other Christian women and we discussed leadership and unity and fears and ministry and nail polish and football and food and drink and I swam in an infinity pool. I want to tell you all about it but I’m not sure I’m ever going

Day 8 :: Parents

I have great parents. I hope I tell them that enough. There are about six years of teen angst that I’m still making up for in my words towards them, so if you are keeping score- yeah, I’m behind. Teens and children are very self-focused [in general] and the idea that what they say has

Day 7 :: Brave

Every Monday of October, I want to share with you a song that speaks directly about the power of words. Brave by Sara Bareilles is absolutely the first one that came to mind. Not only does she encourage us to say the things we need to say, but to do it even when it isn’t

Day 6 :: Proverbs 18:21

Every Sunday in this month, I’m going to share one verse that really has impacted me as I’ve studied and taught about the power of words. God takes our words so seriously- far more than I think we recognize. Throughout scripture you see Him creating with words, leading with words, changing with words, and healing

Day 5 :: Teachers

I’m going to try to remain unemotional as I write this post today, but I have got me some kind of soft spot for teachers. Because I used to be one? Maybe. But also because I loved my teachers. I decided to be one because of the men and women who were in that role

Day 4 :: Lyrics

I cannot think of a finer writing style than songwriting. Truly. What a songwriter says in 35 lines it takes me 35 paragraphs and you are surely bored at the end of my rant and you’re teary by the end of the song. It’s incredible. I never appreciated lyrics much until I moved to Nashville.

Day 3 :: Musicians

I stopped by one of my best friend’s house yesterday [as I promised you I would] and not only did I get to tell her and her husband how much I love them and thank God for their friendship, but I also got to tell him how much I love some new music he’s releasing.

Day 2 :: Besties

I don’t have one best friend. I have a few people to whom I give that label, whether they like it or not. I won’t list them. That would be awkward. But I am so grateful for my best friends. I’m sure you are too. Can you think of one, two, or five people in