Author: Annie

Afternoon Distraction : Goodbye Town

Any video where I can get a dramatic jog from Charles Kelley is a win in my book. I love all of Golden, Lady A’s new album, but I think this song is a special one. [Did you see yesterday’s afternoon distraction?]

Testify to Love.

You know those songs that you kinda grow up with and love and they reside in a special place in your heart? I have a few of those tucked away in my heart and when I hear them on the radio just causes an emotional reaction long before I can even prepare myself. Such as,

Girls of Grace: The Beautiful Truth

This weekend in San Antonio was our last Girls of Grace event of the season. You know I’m an emoter, I tend to feel things LIKE REALLY FEEL THINGS, and I don’t like when things end. I spent most of Saturday feeling things- watching all the lasts, taking it all in, fighting with all my

The Guest Room Reno

I used to love to watch this Canadian home show on HGTV and the girl always calls the job she does “a reno,” instead of a renovation. So that’s cool and Canadian and so I titled my blog post that. You’re welcome. Last week, I decided it was high time to reno the guest room.

Praying for Speak Love

As promised yesterday, here at the things I would really LOVE for you to pray into as the launch of Speak Love gets closer! [Hey subscribers… there is a video here. Click over, yo.] How you can pray: 1. Please pray that above all else, God would be glorified. 2. Please pray that God would

Speak Love: A Cover Story

You know, the whole way that the cover of Perfectly Unique worked out was kinda a miracle. Here’s the story if you missed it first time around. I absolutely loved it the moment that I saw it. I mean, LOVED it. So when the first email came through with the cover for my next book,

Beach Reads

(Stole this pic from my friend Nichole…. thanks, Nic!)  I’ve spent the week recovering from the beach, returning to real life of writing and emailing, crying in my cereal, and spending money at Home Depot. The guest room in our place needed a face lift and since I’m on a book deadline, obviously home improvement

Tears in my cereal.

I sat down to dinner at 9:30pm last night. To a bowl of rice krispies and almond milk. I took a deep breath and my eyes filled with tears. For being the first day back from vacation, it was kinda a doozie – like a bad Monday sneaking up on your Tuesday. Tears built all

Wanting History.

Something I don’t do much anymore is write about what it was like to move from Atlanta to Nashville. Now that I have lived here for almost five years, it is home in so many ways. But an experience a few weeks ago reminded me of those first worst days and made me grateful for