Author: Annie

Looking For Lovely bookplates!

It’s Looking For Lovely‘s first Christmas! Baby’s first Christmas! I should definitely get an ornament. BRB… ordering a glittery one from Etsy. 🙂 But seriously- it gets me so so excited to think that a lot of friends will find Looking For Lovely inside the wrapping paper of their Christmas gifts this year! (Which. By

Election Day.

Sweet friends, I have been nothing but the worst of all bloggers this fall. I am so very sorry. At an event recently, the host asked if I was to be introduced as an “author, speaker, and blogger” and I cringed thinking how long it has been since I put words to the page here.

Resources I Find Helpful.

Friends. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that this week has been disturbing and heartbreaking and sadly culturally shifting. Even now, as I type, the interstate in Atlanta is shut down with protestors. And I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to help. It feels so big and scary and

Isn’t She Lovely Contest!

You guys. We are so so excited about the Looking For Lovely Weekend that is coming up SOON AND VERY SOON. A lot of y’all are already planning to come, and many people are being and coming alone. WOOT. We support that and plan to give you friends friends friends while you are here.

What happens when you lose.

For starters, I have one billion pictures I want to post from the KLOVE Awards on Sunday night. I did a few on instagram – my red carpet look, with former UGA football coach and a true hero of mine, Coach Mark Richt, and with my sweet parents who came to Nashville for about 12

As long as we’re talking about singleness…

I started the week talking a bit about life as a single woman, so I thought I’d continue the trend today and tell you about one of the most impactful experiences of my life. Christmas 2014, some friends mentioned to me that they felt I should attend a conference on singleness. (And all the singles collectively

Celebrate All The Women In Your Village.

It’s the week of Mother’s Day, which is a surprisingly complicated holiday for it’s simple title. You can correct me, but I honestly don’t know another day that can elicit such a variety of emotions in women- ecstatic joy for some, deep heartbreak for others, disappointment, happiness, a literal cornucopia of feelings. And I get it. Usually

Looking For Lovely releases today!

The day has arrived, friends. Wow. Wow. Wow. April 5th is here. The day that I was told, eleven months ago, would be the day that Looking For Lovely would hit bookshelves. At that point, I had the book outlined(ish) and I hoped I would find the ending. And here we are. April 5th. And the book

My prayer for Looking For Lovely

One of my favorite questions people have been asking me the last few weeks is what I am praying as the new book launches and what they can be praying for me and for the book. My answer is simple, but it hasn’t come simply.  I have big hopes and dreams. Looking for Lovely is

What are Friendorsements?

When you write a book, you usually get people to endorse it. You know, other authors or celebrities or someone that the reader knows and trusts. You ask those people to read your book and then write 1-3 sentences about the book. And, you ask the people to be VERY NICE because it matters what