Author: Annie

Sparkly Green Earrings

I have this memory from sometime in the late 2000s. Melanie, Sophie, and I were riding in a car in Charlotte, NC looking for a place to have some queso dip and Melanie was talking about wanting to write a book. [This is also the same trip where Sophie introduced me to boo-berry biscuits from Bojangles

Kelley changed me. Also, I have PCOS.

Here’s a thing. For about eight years-ish, I’ve known I had a disease. Or border-line disease. Or over-the-line disease. Or almost have or kinda just have. It’s weird. It’s called PCOS- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome– with a side order of insulin resistance. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of

be His.

Just wanted to let y’all know about a little limited edition goodie that we are offering over here…. Maybe you have a daughter off at college and you want to send her a Valentine’s Day package, or maybe your teenager just loves getting mail [don’t we all?]. I remember vividly the fear and angst of going

Today, y’all.

Is a busy one. If you’re around your computer today, you can find me LIVE and talking and making dumb jokes in TWO places! FIRST UP….. WHO? Me and Tricia Goyer WHAT? LIVING INSPIRED radio show WHEN? 3pm-4pm CST today! WHERE? RIGHT HERE! WHY? Because when I talk to my writer friends for an hour,

A Wednesday morning pep talk.

You may have already seen this video, but I kinda can’t quit watching it. Or quoting it. “Boring is easy.” “I’m on your team, be on my team.” “But what if there really were two paths? I’d want to be on the one that leads to awesome.” “What will you create that will make the

Moms and me.

You know my friend Sarah. She’s awesome. And she’s a mom. I have lots of mom friends, like Melissa. And the conversation about how to be healthy friends while having totally different lifestyles and life places is such an important one. Over at (in)courage today, I’m writing about what it’s like to be on the

How To Love A Mom

Remember when I almost got deported from Scotland because I had visited Czech Republic? I was visiting my friends Jake and Melissa. Melissa is a mom. I have lots of mom friends even though I, in fact, am not a mom. Friendship between moms and singles can be hard to maneuver, but I love Melissa’s

Speaking in metro-Atlanta!

Thursday night, right before my dinner plans, I checked the weather and it was all ICE AND SNOW AND DRIVING WILL BE TERRIBLE which if you aren’t from the South, you are picturing something totally different than what actually happens. Example? The county where my parents live cancelled school today and I can currently see


The words I make up out loud are second only to the ones I constantly use in my head. You’re welcome. I’ve been stockpiling some links to share with you, like a Hobbit with his satchel. [Literally, I do NOT know where that analogy came from or if it even works because does a Hobbit have

Football: The Sport That Breaks My Heart

First, I need to remind you of something. I love football. It’s my favorite sport to watch. And if you corner me about it, yes, I used to wish I was a boy so I could play football. I would have been good. [But I’m glad I’m a girl. God knew what He was doing.]