Author: Annie

Perfectly Unique …. some thoughts.

So. About four months ago, this little puppy released to the world. You know my favorite part? On Amazon, it has been the most wished for book in Teen Christianity for a few months solid. That’s just sweet because I picture teen girls out there who have sat down and added Perfectly Unique to their wish

Sean. The Bach. Let’s chat.

I love crazy. You’ve got to love crazy if you love The Bachelor. And no Sean, I will not accept that rose. [Unless you mean it then duh I totally will and you can whisk me away to Texas and we can live forever and ever amen.] Ahem. Let’s say this first: Emily blew it

Beyond Ordinary.

My friends Justin and Trish wrote a marriage book. It’s called Beyond Ordinary and I don’t read marriage books, but I love this one. I’m pretty roll-my-eyes when it comes to reading books about marriage at this point in my life because I’m all, “tell me exactly how that has anything to do with the wild

In Real Life.

It remains true in my soul that one of my favorite yes’s was when I said yes to be an (in)courage writer. Before there were books, before the speaking opportunities and magazine articles, and before you guys were reading (in)courage, we were just a group of writers who loved each other and loved to write

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Wanna Reads

I’m not a resolution type of gal. I’ve been through approximately 32 new years and I have yet to ever keep my New Year’s Resolutions. I started failing at resolutions in the 2nd grade. So, as you can see, my issues are deep and long-lasting. But I have a plan this year that I feel

Well, that’s pinteresting.

I think I may be doing Pinterest wrong. You tell me if so. I know there are some profesh Pinteresters out there who are making lots of money and getting lots of repins and what have you. I don’t know how to do any of that. And I don’t want to. I just like to

December Birchbox

So you probably know that one major fad right now is subscriptions to boxes of goodies. My friend Marisa did an amazing job listing out a variety of monthly curated boxes that you can sign up for. And I will proudly say that I fell victim to the one I liked the most- Birchbox. I am

Thank you, Eve.

In 2006, my former college roommate and good friend Eve gave me a notebook. When she handed it to me, she said, “I think you should use it to write your book.” Writing was a new idea for me at the time, and to have someone [besides family] so quickly stand beside me and encourage

Looking forward.

Sometimes God gives you this glimpse into who you want to be. Do you know what I mean? Maybe you’ve been pregnant and watched kids on a playground and it took your breath away because you knew that was your future 0r maybe you’ve wanted to be an actress and watching someone accept an Oscar