Author: Annie

TOP 12! [a 2012 recap]

You know, my blog-memory isn’t so good. I just tried to look back and find my recaps from each year, thinking “in 2007, I did a TOP 7 list and in 2008 I did a TOP 8 list but for 2012 I can do a TOP 12 list and do one thing from each month!”

Ornament talk… again.

Apparently I can’t get over it. So I wrote about the 2012 ornament debacle again over at (in)courage. [And I promise I’ll stop talking about that fateful Christmas-prep day after this (in)courage post… at least until next year. 🙂] . . . . . . Are you new around these parts? Well welcome! Hi. I’m

Load! That! E-Reader!

The world of e-readers is growing and growing and WHOA MAMA EEERRBODY gotz one. I love my Kindle. I call her Kindlella. Like Cinderella? Get it? [I know. I am terribly punny.] I’ll never quit real books, but I really love the ease of carrying a ton of books around in this one little device.

What writers do.

I remember a time when my heart was broken. I sat down and my computer and I typed away like my next breath depended on it- it literally felt like I was underwater and the only way to kick to the surface was to let the words out. Pages and pages and pages flew as

Belle Chèvre WINNER!

Well, after the response to the goat cheese cheesecake giveaway, I’m all sentimental about you guys and like, “I knew we were born to be friends, y’all, I just had no idea that cheese would be a staple of our online friendship.” That’s how I feel. I think I love you. Ahem. Anyways. So I

My kryptonite.

Well people. I have to tell you about my Wednesday. There’s no pride in it, but it happened. And honesty is respected around this corner of the internet, so I want to maintain that. I woke up later than usual yesterday and was doing a little work, all PJed out, from the warmth of my

Belle Chèvre

So about two months ago, the girls and I decided it was time to get serious and get sophisticated. Our lovely local farmers’ market was hosting a wine and cheese festival, so we purchased tickets, showed up on a chilly October day, and entered into a heaven we did not know existed. Rows and rows

How To Deal With Molded Ornaments.

I hope this never happens to you. Those are my ornaments. That I have been collecting for all the years of my life. And they are molded. So this is them, still in their disgustingly molded container. I’m going to tell you what happened quickly so we can move on with our lives: My plastic

#CPCollege Christmas Party

I had a total other plan for this blog post today. But then last night was just one of those nights that you think you’ll never forget but you want to make sure you don’t by blogging about it. And so I shall. It has been exactly one year that I’ve been serving with Cross