Author: Annie


So last week I emailed my people at Zondervan and I was all, “You guys, we’ve got to help these Christmas gift givers who want autographed copies of Perfectly Unique for Christmas!” And they came up with a plan. And it was a great plan. Here’s what we are going to do. The Zondervan elves have

Here I Am!

Sorry I’ve been MIA lately, friends. And sorry that I’m throwing off your “Annie blogs in the morning or not at all” knowledge today by posting in the smack middle of the afternoon. But I just wanted to pop in and say HERE I AM FRIENDS! After the small group snoozle that was a total

Small Group Snoozle.

Tonight is the night. All of my small group gals will arrive at my house at 6:30pm, hyper to the Nth degree, with snacks and sleeping bags and movies and tweezers and iPhones. You may call this a normal Tuesday night for our group, and it would be, minus the sleeping bags. But it’s our

Perfectly Unique: Spaghetti Edition

SOLD OUT! (Sorry, friends.)   As promised yesterday, here ya go! [If you need a reminder, here is the spaghetti sauce story.] My Facebook peeps got a head start last night, so we are down to only TWELVE spaghetti edition copies! So you’re gonna have to scooteleypoop over there if you want one of

Gifting Perfectly Unique?

So here’s a sweet thing. There are a lot of girls, apparently, that are hoping to get Perfectly Unique for Christmas. #1 gift idea for Teen Christians and the #1 most wished for book in Teen Christianity? Humbling. Exciting. Weird. All of it. I can’t even put into words what it means that this little

365 Days Ago.

365 days ago, Georgia beat Georgia Tech and I watched from a hotel room overlooking the stadium in downtown Atlanta. I remember wishing I talk to my best friend in Scotland, Esther. 366 days ago, it was the Friday after Thanksgiving and my internal clock was still completely whackadoodle, from living six hours ahead for the

My Favorite Friday.

I love this Friday. I love getting things for cheapity cheap cheap. In fact, my parents just gave me two pieces of luggage yesterday for my birthday. [In July. Of 2011. And 2012. We just get gifts at any point… it’s more exciting that way.] And we bought it with Black Friday sales prices and

I just simply wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving.

and instead I’m sitting on my bed bawling my little hazel eyes flat out of my head. Here’s the train of thought that got me here. I wanted to say thank you to my blog readers for all that this year has been – since returning home from Scotland at the end of 2011, you

How my times, they are a changin’.

It’s nice to be home. I have loved LOVED being on the road this fall – traveling, speaking, visitin’, etc. – but I am glad that I have a few weeks off the road. For these last 6 weeks of 2012, I have one more high school retreat weekend and then a three day meeting

Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken – HOMEMADE!

So you know that I cook for my Cross Point small group every Tuesday night. It’s one of my favorite things- I love trying new recipes and thanks to pinterest, it isn’t always so difficult to feed twelve consistently hungry girls. A few weeks ago, I saw this recipe for Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken