Author: Annie

Girls of Grace… my thoughts for 2012.

Well, I’m in love. [I know. You’re hoping it’s a boy. And at some point, I’m hoping that too. Patience, grasshopper. 🙂] Today I’m talking about Girls of Grace. I’ve done a poor job of recapping the last few events well- Eden Prairie, Grand Rapids, and Spartanburg, but let me assure you, it was not

Nutella and other things.

You know what I love about what is going on at (in)courage? I love that they have built a place where we writers can be crazy honest. So this month, I told a story about Nutella and a boy and what me and my counselor talk about. [Have I mentioned I see a counselor? I

So here’s how THAT happened.

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a bit of a mishap yesterday. Let’s talk about how it happened. On Tuesday nights, I cook dinner for my small group. This week, I decided to make spaghetti. I actually dislike spaghetti. I love Italian food, I just don’t love spaghetti. Maybe I think

Influence Conference

So at the beginning of the October, I got to travel with Marisa and Mocha Club to Indianapolis for the Influence Conference. It was really great. Like whoa great. Here’s why: 1. Being there with Mocha Club…. I love seeing Mocha Club partnering with bloggers to make a difference and give bloggers a chance to

Let’s review.

First of all, I’ve gotz to tell you this. This weekend, we were in Grand Rapids for a Girls of Grace event. I told some jokes. I figured that there is no better way to make friends than to make them laugh and when you have a few thousand teenage girls staring right at your

I love small group leaders. [FREE Leader’s Guide now available!]

If you’ve been around here for a while, then you know I am obsessed with the Cross Point small group I get to lead. They are 13 of the dearest girls in the entire world. I write about them some. Not a ton. Mainly because they asked me to quit telling y’all how much they

31 Days of Jokes :: 32 Posts + 45 Jokes

Why 31 Days of Jokes? Day 1 : Accessorize Day 2 : Aging Swimmers Day 3 : Pappy Day 4 : Spicy Day 5 : Top 5 Friday – your jokes! Day 6 : Good one, man. Day 7 : Delayed Day 8 : Kernel Day 9 : I have an equestrian. Day 10 :

Day 31: The best for last.

I saved the best comedian for today. It’s my Dad. He calls himself “The Funny Man.” I tend to agree. [But if you ask anyone in my family, they would say I always tend to agree with my Dad. It’s true. I’m a fan.] You may remember, or maybe you are newer around here, but

Day 30: Nice to meat you.

. . . . . What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef! What do you call a cow with two legs? Lean meat! What do you call a cow with one leg? Steak!

Day 29: French feet.

Since we all seemed to enjoy the French joke last week, here’s another doozie from the other side of the Atlantic. . . . . . . . . . What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals? Philippe Philoppe. . . . . . If you only knew how hard I laughed at this