Author: Annie

Day 28: Palm Sunday.

This video. You have to watch it. There are not words to tell this joke. It’s that funny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I love a good interrupting starfish.

Day 27: Gators.

In honor of the Georgia Bulldogs playing the Florida Gators today, I have a reptile themed joked for you. . . . . . . . . . . What do you call an alligator wearing a vest? An investigator! . . . . . [Here’s what. There are a LOT of hilarious Florida Gator

Day 26: Boyz.

Happy Friday. I know you are expected five jokes, but really- this one is worth five jokes. So, be happy with one. Also, we haven’t had a serious dude joke yet- so this one is it. For sures. So I called on my favorite boyz, Connor and Keenan, to tell you a joke. You know

Day 25: Speak French.

My friend Beth from Red and Honey gave me today’s joke. Her blog is adorbs, you should see it. She’s Canadian, so she’s got that going for her. Also, her joke involves knowing how to count to five in French. So if you don’t know how to do that, google that first. Then proceed to

Day 24: On the line.

. . . . . Why did the lion eat the tight rope walker? He wanted a balanced meal. . . . . .

He kept me.

I listened to my friend Christy talk last week about how she needed God to pull through for her before she stood and spoke before a crowd of Christian women leaders. She talked of how she paced her hotel room the night before, begging God to release the words He wanted her to say. She retold

Day 23: Snoozle.

. . . . . What do you call a male cow who is taking a nap? A BULL DOZER. . . . . . So much yes. I love this one.

Day 22: The joke’s on me.

You guys are going to like this joke so much. But even more, you’re going to like what a complete idiot I am. Yesterday afternoon I get a text from my friend Graham. We ate lunch together after church and a few hours later I got a text from her. Thinking she had a legitimate

Day 21: It’s your birthday.

Today is my sister’s birthday. I like her. So I made some calls to try to get her a cool birthday gift. . . . . . . . . . . I called SeaWorld yesterday to see if I could get my sister a Shamu Fan Club Sweatshirt. They said my call may be

Day 20: Close one.

Phew. Almost missed today. But in Nashville, it’s only 11:05pm. So don’t fire me. Okay? Okay. . . . . . . . . . . What kind of computer sings? A Dell. . . . . . I was really rolling in the deep on that one. [See what I did there? Adele joke.]