Author: Annie

Day 10: Burn.

. . . . . Did you hear about the fire at the circus? It was in tents. . . . . Just like my love for jokes. Intense.

Day 9: I have an equestrian.

. . . . . What did the pony say about her sore throat? “I’m a little hoarse.” . . . . . File this in the category “jokes that my friends tell me while we are sitting at the coffee shop but refuse to be on video on the blog.” We laughed. A lot.

90 degree shift.

I’m a big believer in creating a sacred bedroom space. [FYI- this post is NOT going to get sexy. Don’t worry.] Especially for those of us that are adult-aged women but share homes with roommates [i.e- other adult-aged women], your bedroom is really the only place that you can guarantee your own style and sanity

Day 8: Kernel.

. . . . . How much does a pirate pay for corn? A BUCCANEER. . . . . . I apologize to my British readers because this is an American money joke. Let me explain. We sometimes call dollars “bucks.” So, how much does a pirate pay for corn? A buck an ear. [Of

Day 7: Delayed.

Meaning, this is late in the day. And meaning this one may take you a minute to get. But hang in there, it’s funny once it registers in your brain. [Trust me, I heard it twice before I got it. But once I got it, I loved it.] . . . . . There’s two

Day 6: Good one, man.

. . . . . What do you do when you see a spaceman? Park your car, man. . . . . . The laugher on this side of the screen is severe. This may be one of my new favorites. Happy Saturday!

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Day 5 – your jokes!

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . Ever since this month started [a full five days ago],

Day 4: Spicy.

. . . . . So a few of us Nashvillians roadtripped over to Knoxville last night to attend The Walk, a pretty ridiculously cool college ministry. On our drive over, we talked about these 31 Days of Jokes, so Wes, our college pastor, couldn’t resist sharing his favorite. Therefore, another video.  . . .

Day 3: Pappy.

Meet Pappy. Better known as Chris Wheeler. [Pappy is his alter ego consisting of equals parts grandpa and redneck.] Chris is one of the other speakers at the Girls of Grace events and my gracious is he funny. In July, after our Phoenix event, a bunch of us went to dinner at a farm to

Why jokes? And when I reached my limit.

Sunday morning. That’s when I reached my limit, when I realized that I had asked more of my body than it could sustain. Physically. Spiritually. Emotionally. All of it. In the last month or so, I’ve released a book, written and released a 30 Day Devotional, traveled nine different times, logged a bazillion air miles