Author: Annie

Day 1: Accessorize.

This is my favorite joke of all time. Also, it’s one of the few jokes in the world that I legitimately have memorized and say it as often as possible. I know, I should start out with something slower and build to my favorite, but trust me- this whole month is going to be FUNNY,

It’s that time again…. 31 days!

Last year in October, I happily participated with Nester as she hosted 31 days. Living in Scotland and knowing what God was doing in my heart, it was super easy to know what I wanted to write about. I did 31 Days of Courage. It was super fun and really timely for me and it

The perfect storm for a bomb.

That title makes perfect sense. Read on. [First of all, I know I’ve neglected my blog for a few days. Forgive me. It’s not you, it’s me.] Two years ago, in the winter of 2010 [so almost three years I guess], I had a speaking event that I was beyond excited about. A big crowd,

Finding Friends.

After an absolutely amazing weekend in Minneapolis with Girls of Grace, I came home and needed some things. Mainly, some time with my people. Now listen, I love Love LOVE my GOG family, like whoa love them. And I love Love LOVE the ministry we get to do in each city. God literally stunned me

Some things you interview me about.

So today, I think you should interview me. Ready? Go. . . . . . Hey Annie. What were you doing in Grand Rapids yesterday? Well, that’s not really what today’s post is about, but I’ll tell ya. I was getting to meet with a bunch of youth pastors that will be bringing girls to

Takin’ it to the streets!

I want legwarmers and jazz hands for this announcement, but I have them not. Here’s the announcement: It’s time for a BOOK TOUR, y’all!!! Yes, sweet little Perfectly Unique has now made herself known on the internet and in bookstores and is arriving in homes every day and it’s crazy fun. And now she has

Word Revolution.

So after three Girls of Grace events where I get to talk on how our words matter, I felt a tug. A push. A shove? Probably. Here’s what the God-shove felt like. I was standing in front of the mirror getting ready one morning, and this question scrolled across the ticker in my mind: What

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Link on.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . I have some goals and dreams. Currently, I want to

Love came down and rescued me.

I texted my mom on Tuesday night. “Tomorrow’s post is going to make you sad. Consider yourself warned.” Because I know. For people who loved me through the teen years, it is hard to hear how much I didn’t love me, especially my family. It was fully intentional to end yesterday’s post with no hope.